GSoC 2024: Sprucing up the Video Sequencer (Weekly Reports)

July 29 - August 2

Hello again everyone, sorry for the delay – I was unexpectedly left without internet connection for the past 4 days while traveling.

On the bright side:

Connected Strips Are Here

I’ve finished up connected strips functionality, and the patch is ready for review. Check it out:

Here’s a couple gifs demonstrating the functionality:
Imported strips are connected by default (either via drag+drop or the Add menu). There is an option in the Add menu to turn off connections for newly imported strips.

Strips are disconnected from any existing connections before connecting to new ones.

Connected strips are selected together in the preview just like in the timeline.

Although I was fairly busy with travel for the past month, I’m now in a position to settle down and work longer hours, so hopefully “active channel” functionality will be out by the end of the month.

Thanks everyone for your patience.