GSoC Week 10 Report
GSoC is coming to an end, sadly! I hope to be able to extend and help with releasing Flamenco v3.3! The following are some of my accomplishments for the week:
- Create table functions for interface page of the worker tags
- Add ability to fetch, create, and delete tags
- VueJS isn’t extremely difficult to master, but it is rough to understand in the beginning and some of the deeper level items took me a few minutes to really comprehend.
- Grabbing the tags from the right place. I needed to make sure I was actually grabbing and constantly watching the tags from the actual manager. Same with deleting, creating, and updating. So, that will take some extra time.
- Tabulator. I’ve never even heard of it before, but I love it’s design format for the table. It’s definitely not as simple to make as I thought, but I’m trying to stick it through with the documentation provided.
My goal for next week is to get a PR for the first version of the interface. Though, it may not get reviewed soon, I hope to at least have this done by next week so that the development of the tags will be one step closer to being finished.
To my mentor who is going to a big conference, I wish you all the best on your presentation, I know you’ll do well