GSoC 2022 : Soft body simulations using XPBD (Weekly Reports)

Week 10 -

Hey everyone, the past week was spent working on implementing self collisions in the system.

It’s for most parts brute forced for now where the first part is to check if any vertex is inside a tet, where for each vertex we are iterate over each tet and check if the vertex is inside the tet.

Once the tet has been recognized, we need to find the intersecting face of the tet. To do this, a ray is cast from the previous point to the current point and distance of faces from previous point along that ray is found, the min distance face being the intersecting face.

Once the intersecting face (triangle is identified), we move both the violating point as well as the intersecting triangle in opposite direction such that the momentum is conserved.

I’m still working on the same and will report back with the progress