Grease Pencil Module Meetings (Overview)

The Grease Pencil Module is doing bi-weekly meetings. This is an overview thread that links to the last meeting notes and announces when the next meeting will take place.

Anyone who is interested in contributing to the project is welcome to join. You can reach out in the #grease-pencil-module channel if you’d like to add something to the agenda of the meeting.


Last meeting notes: 2024-02-19 Grease Pencil Module Meeting

Next meeting time: 2024-03-04T15:00:00Z

Last meeting notes: 2024-03-04 Grease Pencil Module Meeting

Next meeting time: 2024-03-25T15:00:00Z

Last meeting notes: 2024-03-25 Grease Pencil Module Meeting

Next meeting time: 2024-04-08T14:00:00Z

Latest meeting notes: 2024-04-08 Grease Pencil Module Meeting

Next meeting time: 2024-04-22T14:00:00Z

Latest meeting notes: 2024-04-22 Grease Pencil Module Meeting

Next meeting time: 2024-05-06T14:00:00Z

Latest meeting notes: 2024-05-06 Grease Pencil Module Meeting

Next meeting time: 2024-05-20T14:00:00Z
EDIT: This is a holiday in the Netherlands. Rescheduling.

Next meeting time: 2024-05-21T14:00:00Z

Latest meeting notes: 2024-05-21 Grease Pencil Module Meeting

Next meeting time: 2024-06-03T14:00:00Z

Latest meeting notes: 2024-06-03 Grease Pencil Module Meeting

Next meeting time: 2024-06-17T14:00:00Z

Latest meeting notes: 2024-06-17 Grease Pencil Module Meeting

Next meeting time: 2024-07-01T14:00:00Z
Rescheduled for: 2024-07-02T14:00:00Z

Latest meeting notes: 2024-07-02 Grease Pencil Module Meeting

Next meeting time: 2024-07-15T14:00:00Z

Latest meeting notes: 2024-07-15 Grease Pencil Module Meeting

Next meeting time: 2024-07-29T14:00:00Z
Next meeting time: 2024-07-30T14:00:00Z

Latest meeting notes: 2024-07-30 Grease Pencil Module Meeting

Next meeting time: 2024-08-12T14:00:00Z

Latest meeting notes: 2024-08-12 Grease Pencil Module Meeting

Next meeting time: 2024-09-09T14:00:00Z