Grease Pencil in Draw mode - sidebar - tool tab - brush settings panel - Where do i turn off pressure radius and strength by default?

Hello friends,

I have a question about defaults. With a grease pencil object in draw mode we have the tablet pressure curve panels for Radius and Strength expanded. In earlier Blender versions it was collapsed by default. Which was the better default. It is simply in the way most of the times, i need to scroll to the palette now. And so i want to change that back.

To my surprise i couldn’t find any place where to do so. startup.blend does not store the state of the size and strenght pressure buttons. Preferences does not store the state. userdef_default.c does not store the state, i couldn’t figure it out at least. And ChatGPT just knows Blender 3.3 code. Means it was also of no help here.

What is the trick here? Where do i store /define the default state of the Size Pressure and Strenght Pressure buttons?

Kind regards

The settings are part of the brush asset. As of right now, brush assets that are part of the essentials library cannot be edited (this is being worked on, see #129053 - Assets: Support editing/overriding essentials assets - blender - Blender Projects).

But what you can do is:

  1. Duplicate the brush asset that you want to change. Give it a name and save it to your user library.
  2. Select the brush then save the startup file. Choose to overwrite the default animation template so that this will be the default.

Now when you open blender and choose 2D Animation it will use your custom brush asset by default.

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Many thanks, this helps me a lot :slight_smile: