Gitea 1.22 Upgrade

Hi all,

We are planning to upgrade to Gitea version 1.22 this week, on Thursday morning Amsterdam time. If all goes well it will only be offline for a few minutes.

Some relevant changes in this version:

  • Prevent simultaneous issue description editing
  • The custom Blender theme is now closer to the (improved) upstream dark theme
  • Basic repository code search (without indexer, but seems ok-ish)
  • More features for issue YAML templates
  • Forking only uses a single branch by default
  • Fix missing images in editor preview
  • Better repository statistics (though it timed out on the Blender repo, smaller ones work ok)

And the upgrade is complete now.


The theme though looks to have had some changes which seems to be a downgrade from where it was.

The grey text on grey on top of grey gives the impression of a website run by a funeral home rather than software developers, and yes, my monitor is properly calibrated.

Not a showstopper, as I’ll probably just use git directly instead later, but…

I tried submitting a larger PR (removing blender_icons.svg, blender_icons16*, blender_icons32.* so 1383 files). Got a “server error: 504” response. Tried a few times with no change.

I updated Gitea with 5 bugfixes for various issues that were reported.

That’s a timeout. Unless it’s a recurring pattern, I’ll assume it’s something in Gitea that could be optimized to run faster but that we don’t consider critical to fix.

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