I’d like to know what is the sound intensity of a frame (if there’s sound object in the scene or audio playing in the sequencer) via bpy to create a little python “audio volume” input node for geometry node.
thanks a lot @tintwotin
to anyone interested here is the function without dependencies to the rest of this fantastic plugin below (except for fades)
could we perhaps have some information about what the unit represents?
the sequencer starts to draw the sound red when it hit a certain limit, so suppose i can use this to normalize, not sure what this limit is at the first place
def get_sequence_volume(frame=None):
"""source: https://github.com/snuq/VSEQF/blob/3ac717e1fa8c7371ec40503428bc2d0d004f0b35/vseqf.py#L142"""
total = 0
if bpy.context.scene.sequence_editor is None:
return 0
sequences = bpy.context.scene.sequence_editor.sequences_all
depsgraph = bpy.context.evaluated_depsgraph_get()
if frame is None:
frame = bpy.context.scene.frame_current
evaluate_volume = False
else: evaluate_volume = True
fps = bpy.context.scene.render.fps / bpy.context.scene.render.fps_base
for sequence in sequences:
if (sequence.type=="SOUND" and sequence.frame_final_start<frame and sequence.frame_final_end>frame and not sequence.mute):
time_from = (frame - 1 - sequence.frame_start) / fps
time_to = (frame - sequence.frame_start) / fps
audio = sequence.sound.evaluated_get(depsgraph).factory
chunk = audio.limit(time_from, time_to).data()
#sometimes the chunks cannot be read properly, try to read 2 frames instead
if (len(chunk)==0):
time_from_temp = (frame - 2 - sequence.frame_start) / fps
chunk = audio.limit(time_from_temp, time_to).data()
#chunk still couldnt be read... just give up :\
if (len(chunk)==0):
average = 0
cmax = abs(chunk.max())
cmin = abs(chunk.min())
if cmax > cmin:
average = cmax
else: average = cmin
if evaluate_volume:
fcurve = fades.get_fade_curve(bpy.context, sequence, create=False)
if fcurve:
volume = fcurve.evaluate(frame)
else: volume = sequence.volume
volume = sequence.volume
total = total + (average * volume)
return total
volume = get_sequence_volume()