Geometry Nodes

@HooglyBoogly Just wondering if this is a known issue or not? The parameters from a geonodes modifier aren’t named correctly in the dopesheet or timeline, which makes it a nightmare to animate with. You just get “input_7” etc. Only by mousing over the parameter in the modifier do you even know which input relates to which parameter.

You also get the parameters listed in the order they were keyed in which just further aggravates the issue. They ideally should be listed in the order that is shown in the modifier. If you have a vec3 parameter and only key one component of it, then come back later and key another component, they will be listed in the wrong order.

Really hoping that this may be able to be fixed before 2.93 is released. I was going to lodge a bug report, but it is hard to know if this is classified as a bug or a feature request :slight_smile: