Geometry Nodes in Blender 3.0 - Status Update

Hello @dfelinto

Could you explain how plans made by the team such as the checkpoints node:

Geometry Checkpoints

Sometimes artists need to use procedural tools, manually tweak the work, and then have more procedural passes. For example, an initial point distribution can be created using Geometry Nodes, then frozen. At that point, the artist could go to edit mode, delete some points, move others around, and then use Geometry Nodes again to instance objects.


Are compatible with the strict share-ability paradigm?
Because it seems that the object/collection info nodes are not just the few exceptions to the rule:

In the long term, more ‘exceptions’ nodes could pop such as:
-scripting nodes ( listed in the recap)
-any nodes that read/write data: cache/ file import&export / objects/ materials/ collections/ images/ audio-data ect.
-any kind of nodes that would require an user-interaction with an operator.

And in short term:
-i suppose the ‘delete attribute’ node will need to do a comeback.
-the new Image-data/material nodes will need to be added to the ‘exception’ list.

If the rule has too many exceptions, perhaps the exception is the rule itself :slightly_smiling_face: