Beginning builder here, just wanted to ask, I successfully built Blender with VS2019 and vc15 (r62363).
Blender 2.83 Alpha vc16 is what comes out.
Then I got a 2.79 branch:
git checkout blender2.7
Then I built 2.79 in it’s own directory:
make release 2019 builddir 2.79c
It will ask if I want to download the libraries. I say yes. It downloads win64_vc14 (r62363)
Then it compiles for a good 30 minutes with several yellow warnings but it continues and it hits this instruction and halts:
bf_intern_cycles.vcxproj → C:\Users\Admin\BlenderMarket\BlenderCypress\source\vs2019\2.79c\lib\Release\bf_intern_cycles.lib
cycles_kernel.vcxproj → C:\Users\Admin\BlenderMarket\BlenderCypress\source\vs2019\2.79c\lib\Release\cycles_kernel.lib
Error during build, see “c:\Users\Admin\BlenderMarket\BlenderCypress\source\vs2019\blender..\2.79c”\Build.log for details
It’s important to see older branches in the context of their time, 2.79 branched off the mainline codebase somewhere mid to end of 2017, long before vs2019 even existed and was build with VS2013 at that time, 2015 was supported but we did not ship with it due to codegen bugs.
Same goes for the libraries you grab from svn, they are in most cases much more recent versions that the 2.79 codebase has even been tested with.
So now you have a codebase has never been used or tested with the compiler you want to use, with newer versions of libraries it has never seen before and the build scripts are not prepared for, yeah naturally you’re going to run into trouble.
Now the good news is for every release we tag the libraries so you find the 2.79a (b and c had code changes but no library changes) libs at