So i dont know if anyone else has had this issue but this really limits the potential of the asset browser overall ,
If you want an item parented to another but both marked as a single asset currently the only way to do this with collections ,
the problem is with collection when being evaluated on drag into the scene they don’t act similar or close to the meshes , you may be wondering why does this matter just unpack the collection and move it ? yes you can do that but if the original assets with all its parents were evaluated like regular mesh assets this allows for more complex workflows …
i have Geo Node Group Marked in Asset Browser it takes a named/tagged collection as a boolean i have another separate asset with the entire setup like a window with the boolean that when dragged into he scene like normal window mesh could be placed perfectly but with collections no and then also have to unpack before the Geo node group could access it as well its just not good ATM when dealing with more than one mesh as a part of a single asset
we need either way to mark asset with all children ? or collection needs better evaluation for scene placement from asset browser and should be auto unpacked by default or have option