Error with Addons, Build as Python Module

Hi I was wondering if anyone has experience using addons in their builds, specifically for builds as a python module

bpy.ops.wm.skfb_enable(enable=True) #startsketchfab
You are using the latest version(1.3.1)
{‘FINISHED’}[“WinMan”].sketchfab_browser_proxy.query = “girl”[“WinMan”].sketchfab_browser_proxy.face_count = ‘10K’[“WinMan”].sketchfab_browser.skfb_api.download_model(
Model already downloaded
ERROR (wm.operator): C:\2blender-git\blender\source\blender\windowmanager\intern\wm_event_system.c:1305 wm_operator_invoke: invalid operator call ‘WM_OT_import_modal’

I keep running into this error in my wm_event_system for invalid operators from my Build folder. The operators come from the sketchfab addon.

My question is, do I need to Build Blender around the addons id like to use from the beginning?
Thank you for reading!

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