This is maybe a question for @ideasman42 . So in previous versions it was possible to something like this:
import bpy
data = {
'bl_label': "MyNewType",
'bl_idname': "test.MyNewType",
'__annotations__': {
"MyIntVal": (bpy.props.IntProperty, {'name': "MyIntVal", 'default': 42})
my_new_type = type("MyNewType", (bpy.types.PropertyGroup,), data)
bpy.types.Object.my_prop_grp = bpy.props.PointerProperty(type=my_new_type)
Note that since the change to properties since 2.80 you have to specify them as annotations. Is anyone else using this? I think it’s a pretty valid use case, but in Blender 2.93 it doesn’t seem like the properties get created. Debugging a bit it seems like there is some internal data that gets set for properties. Is there another way to do this now?