Deep Bone Selection

I have a post over on Right-Click Select, but to summarize. I implemented a way to directly click on an overlapped bone without having to cycle through or enumerate the bones. It’d be great to get this PR merged if possible.


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I have a couple people telling me, they can’t see the post on Right-Click Select. There’s a little processing label at the top of it, I wonder what that means. Do you know if I have to do something to get it approved or something? Also, here’s my PR #112654 - WIP: Improved overlapped bone selection with a single click. - blender - Blender Projects

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Thank you for this, as a rigger this one gonna save that little selection headache we had for years :heart:

Cool glad you like it! I kind of lost hope that anyone would notice. :smiley: I haven’t heard any feedback from anyone else.

You may want to request someone like @Harleya as a reviewer. Pull requests with reviewers are far more likely to move forward

I got a reply to the PR. I need to come up with a better proposal, so I’ll do that down the line.

But I actually found a weird edge case where if a context menu comes up and is dismissed the deep bone property I get from RNA comes back false and then goes back to true if the context menu comes up again.

I have no idea why that’s happening, but I’ll need to fix that before continuing with the PR.