Cycles AMD HIP device feedback

The situation of ROCm is messy in a lot of places first of which at AMD, also at Debian which trickles down packages towards Ubuntu later in the pipeline.

But there are steps in the right direction.
At AMD they seem to have gotten aware that packaging themselves was not the best idea; that having three different github orgs for ROCm was not the best idea either…

so they are starting to work with the official maintainers and reorganizing their codebase. With the goal of putting “ROCm one ‘apt install rocm’ away from users”.
There is a dedicated debian rocm team on the debian-flavored gitlab: AMD Yes! ROCm Team · GitLab, and they can also be reached at [email protected] .

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We are working on the runtime errors on the AMD side since it involves changes to the driver and testing it by enabling HIP in blender for linux builds. As Brecht said all of our internal development is not as open communication as Blender is. As I’ve said before we’re planning to have this enabled for Blender 3.1. Please be patient and trust this is being handled.


Is it possible to mention what part of the open source HIP drivers caused the runtime error in the Linux driver stack?

I find this fascinating, To use a race as an analogy bystanders have seen Linux stopped just meters from the finish line, meanwhile Windows has come from behind and won the race. Linux coming second is fine, but then the bystanders are shocked as the race announcer states Linux may remain in place for months…

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We can be patient, though it’s not fun seeing my AMD Fine Wine turn into AMD Vinegar just like that.


what about HIPSPV ?

It looks interesting for wider GPU support with the universal and open SPIR-V:

Thank you.

Similar concerns as clspv that I explained here.

  • Early technology, likely to have bugs and problems handling more complex kernels
  • Unclear when hardware ray-tracing will work with this, if ever
  • Can not expect much support from hardware vendors when straying from the API they recommend for writing production renderers (and use themselves for similar purpose)
  • More abstraction layers (HIP → LLVM → Vulkan) is more chance for bugs, harder to debug, and solving certain limitations may require changes at all levels which is very hard to coordinate

That being said, I would love to see a future where compiling GPU code is as simple as CPU code and it all can just be done with LLVM. But right now the GPU front/backends in LLVM to me seem more at a level where you need an LLVM engineer contributing to the project to get things working rather it being a compiler you can just use.

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Thank you for the answer,
i hope we will see in future an open standard implementation for GPU compiling in particular for who like to support free and open source software ( OS systems and GPU driver included ).

HIPSPV wouldn’t really add more here other than removing code duplication maybe if it worked everywhere.

BTW this is getting off topic but I 100% agree about the compiling GPU code via LLVM. I recently came across this project called “Taichi”. Which lets you take Python code and compile to run on Metal / Vulkan / CUDA. Think there are similar projects for Rust, and other languages. Pretty cool. I used that to write a simple path tracer that runs in blender all in python. Better handled in a separate thread on blender artists: An open source GPU renderer for Blender written in Python - #10 by bsavery - Blender and CG Discussions - Blender Artists Community


Another contender in the GPU programming platforms :woozy_face: that’s sicker than the javascript ecosystem!

Is Rust really the star of the future?

@brecht this is very early work but here you can find a hip .deb package that could be integrated in the future in debian:stable. Is hip all that is needed for Cycles compute kernels?

I am in the process of packaging the higher-order user-facing libraries, such as rocRAND, rocBLAS and higher (rocFFT, rocSPARSE, rocTHRUST…) too, but it will take even more time.
I first had to unbundle the LLVM fork by AMD and am currently trying to replicate qualification testing with the llvm of the distribution… you can find more detail in this github thread, or in the mailing list. Made a dummy docker builder for the packages here.

P.S. Any news on AMD HIP bug fixing?


Probably that’s enough but I’m not familiar with the details of this. We don’t use any of those higher level libraries in any case, just

Hello! I was wondering if you estimate that hardware ray tracing like optiX for nvidia can be added to new rdna2 AMD cards later on? Im on windows, and the new g14 laptop with a 6800s gpu coming in the next months is looking good to me for a portable workstation.

Also, unrelated, Vega support would make me happy. Cheers, and have a nice day!

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Hardware Ray Tracing is on the list of tasks that needs to be done for HIP in Blender: ⚓ T91571 Cycles HIP device

As for when this feature will be added? I do not know.

Until AMD commits to a date for hardware ray-tracing support in CyclesX I think its safe to assume its not coming. Note there is no mention of ray tracing in the “next level” blog.

Ray tracing appears in T91571 as it was copied over from, the failed T82557 issue which related to the no longer supported OpenCL Cycles.

I’m more excited about the performance after Deduplicate CUDA and HIP host code than hardware ray tracing

From my understanding “deduplicating CUDA and HIP host code” should not improve performance.

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cool. Im not well read up on the technical details, but do you reckon this will get it closer to nvidia optiX performance than enabling hardware raytracing on amd cards?

do you think amd will ever fix hardware raytracing for blender on their end? or dead end?

Hardware raytracing for AMD cards is on the todo list. I cannot give you more information about who and when. :slight_smile:


Correct, this is a code change only, avoiding code duplication.