Custom Panel Background Color

Hi, I am new to the forums and am looking for some guidance on custom panels.

I have this panel with a bunch of buttons, and it’s getting hard to find specific buttons when working with it.

After searching through different forums I could not find how to edit the header or background color of a custom panel. The idea is to get to something similar to the image bellow.

Is it even possible to do that, and if not, do you have any suggestions on how to improve this readability problem?

Thank you for your time.


I also want to know whether its possible so I am going to bump this topic


Wht I am aware of is, Only Single Color can be assigned to that (3DView>ThemeSpace>RegionBackground)
Cannot Assign multiple colors to same panel region.
What you can do for the sake of easiness in finding is You can Assign custom multi colored Icons to the menus, that woud help differentiate. :+1::rainbow:


I think the actual feature is that you cant do it.

But in all fairness, I came to that conclusion after looking for that myself. :’)

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yeah that would help to some extent, but once your float/Bool properties start gathering up in one class, it won’t be that helpful