I am making some equilateral triangle/hex grid tiles in this style:
In order to help with creating the girds, I had to make creative use of vertex snapping to assemble tessellated hexagon mesh, and write a script to bisect the faces to create an additional equilateral triangle grid.
This works well enough for the moment, but I would really like to make a plugin which replaces the normal 3D viewport grid with a dual hexagon/triangle grid, with snapping support.
I looked at this plugin:
But this plugin does not seem to implement a custom overlay.
I am new to blender’s plugin api, but comfortable with C++ and graphics programming.
Would someone be able to point me in the right direction for implementing a custom viewport grid?
I have found the following documentation:
Which I think should get me most of the way there, which leaves the question of snapping, does the blender plugin API have any way to create custom snapping targets?