Custom export add-on for exporting spline fbx?

I’m trying to export spline/curve objects from Blender as an fbx. But unlike Maya or 3DMax, the spline fbx in blender gets converted to a mesh instead of a special spline fbx.

Is there a way to write a python add-on that can export blender spline fbx to be the same as Maya or 3DMax exported spline objects?

Not an expert in this subject, but I’d love to find someone who is for some pointers or potentially a paid opportunity.

Thank you!


From what I see in some open source FBX libraries such as OpenFBX, no one supports curves. Not even Unity engine - as they say on their documentation that curves are turned to vertices as well.

I am not aware of this. Is this especially a Maya thing? Such as for example if you save the FBX file from Maya curves remain curves? Then when you re open the FBX file there you have curves?

Both Maya and 3DSmax have this capability and if blender could do this as well would make life much easier

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