Compositor new node: Kuwahara filter

Not at the moment, but the new implementation that we shall merge soon uses it.


This is still WIP but i wanted to say thanks to anyone who worked on this filter, i used the anisotropic version

Original render looks like this and i removed the sphere for the Kuwahara filter version


I have a question. Do we have legacy Kuwahara filter with box capturing, or enhanced modern variand by Gueseppe Papari with disk/round capturing and sectors?
This is proper paper, i believe:

And here an idea to replace Gaussian function to polynomial

Anisotropic Kuwahara:

Both are implemented, anisotropic is the enhanced version you’re referring to.

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Oh my!
Anisotropic looks so nice in the video above!

Thanks, i will test it with pleasure. I hope, it will take it`s place in the new openmovie!