Compiling with HIP at windows

Hello friends,

I wanted to compile with HIP at Windows 10. But ran into a HIP compiler is missing warning.

Further research showed me that ROCm and HIP is not supported at Windows. There is no binary, and the advice is all for Linux. Which makes me wonder how you manage to compile HIP under windows then.

Could you please help me with the exact steps to get Blender to compile with HIP under windows?
Kind regards


there is no public HIP compiler for Windows yet. We got a beta one from AMD to compile on the buildbots.

A public HIP SDK is planned.

Best regards,

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Many thanks fo the information Thomas. No wonder i couldn’t find anything. Then i’ll wait a bit longer :slight_smile:

Best regards

Any news or timeline on the release of these HIP libraries?

Is the Beta available somewhere already?