Community Help Needed Converting PNGs to SVGs

Here’s my version of that.

Perfect circle, basically 4 points and clean.

So like I said, yes it could be done automatically, but personally, since this only needs to be done once (all be it with a lot of icons), I feel it’s best to do it right the first time.


No I haven’t, but @Wileji is in theory working on those starting from the bottom of the list.

I feel as this maybe needs to be organised a bit better.

@Harleya Maybe a list on the first post could be updated with each persons name and a list of the icons that have already been done. If nothing else that may help to stop some duplication of work. So for me, as it currently stands:


Then as we do more, we just tag you with any additions in a new post.

Unless people have other ideas. Tho I do think at the end of the day, we don’t want too many working on it, just so we can be sure of maintaining overall quality and production method.

Unless there’s some sort of need to have it all done in a couple of days, 2-3 people should be more then enough to get them all done in a week or two.



What do you think ?

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Maybe we could start by each picking a set and then claim another one once we are done. Some sets are much larger than others, but this way we don’t have to coordinate each icon.

set assignee
brush.gpencil @Anthony_Gibbs
brush.paint_texture @Anthony_Gibbs
brush.paint_vertex @Anthony_Gibbs
brush.paint_weight @Anthony_Gibbs
brush.particle @Anthony_Gibbs
brush.sculpt @Anthony_Gibbs
ops.node @Wileji
ops.paint @Wileji
ops.transform @lone_noel

Does this sound good to you? Maybe @Harley could then put a version of this list into the opening post.


OK, that sounds like a pretty good idea.

You can assign me to brush.paint_vertex and brush.paint_weight as well, since I’ll have those half done tonight.


OK, assign me brush.particle and brush.sculpt as well, since I’m now up to those. I had a number of basic repeats in the previous lot, so went fast.

With the exception of brush.paint_texture.airbrush and brush.paint_weight.mix that are rather more complex and may well need some testing to make sure they appear correctly, so I will get back to those a bit later.


Hi there,

I created this using the template provided by Harleya. I traced the shapes as closely and faithfully as I could. If my attempt is useful, I’d love to help out and contribute more SVGs.


Maybe it would be best to remove the sculpt/paint brush icons from the list, since they aren’t displayed in the UI anymore in 4.3 after the brush assets project landed. The plan is to remove them AFAIK.

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It isn’t entirely obvious to me which ones we don’t need. Just the ones with names that start with “brush.sculpt.”? Or do you also mean the ones that start with “brush.paint_”?


I had to add a quick note here about how much I appreciate all this help.

You guys are awesome! :heart: :dizzy:


Absolutely agree to this! I don’t think Ai or any sort of automation process should be used at all to make these. The tech in the current state is simply not good enough to match the quality of handmade ones. Even minor uneven thickness, lack of straight/smooth lines, odd proportions, etc., may seem pedantic, when the icons will be much smaller when viewed, but I believe perfection is a powerful message, and its heard even if you’re not listening for it.


I believe some of the tools there do not require a conversion. Namely the brush-related tools which were converted to brush assets

Well, it’s already all done other then the brush.sculpt and brush.uv ones.

So maybe best to nail this for a yay or nah, as the brush.sculpt ones are a fair few.

Otherwise in the mean time I may jump to the ops.armature and ops.curve.

Ah okay, my bad, looks like from the list you have above it’s only the curves sculpt ones that won’t be needed anymore.

With some exceptions (noted below) all brush. icons and ops.curves.sculpt_ icons are unused now and will/can be removed.

The following icons will be kept:

  • brush.sculpt.paint – the icon now used for the unified Brush tool.
  • brush.gpencil_draw.erase – Will potentially be added back as a separate tool
  • brush.gpencil_draw.fill – Will potentially be added back as a separate tool

What will be icon creation process in the future? Are we sunsetting toolbar.blend file workflow?

I could give ops.mesh a shot @Harleya

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Currently I’d consider this a “proposal without any objections found yet”. We’ll talk about this more in the UI meeting tomorrow.

But yes, this would be abandoning the “toolbar.blend” workflow and just use SVG icons as we are now using for UI, dialogs, File Browser, etc. So the process of adding new icons or editing existing ones would simplify greatly and we could remove a lot of code as well. The icons would look a bit better (with proper curves rather than being only straight trianglulated shapes with 256x256 resolution). We’d have per-size caching so performance would improve whenever we need to show these in more than one size. And we could possibly use the text shader outline shadow if we wanted.

The code to add support for full-color icons is pretty simple. And I also demonstrate coloring interior portions of the images using theme colors here: #123950 - WIP: Proof of Concept for Color UI Icons - blender - Blender Projects

I would like to help and cover the ops.armature conversion to SVGs

A small question about converting the icons, many of the curved shapes are faceted like in the screenshots below, I assume these can just be replaced with normal curves?

