Checkboxes in UIList [bug?]

Hello! I’m trying to make addon with UIList with checkboxes in items. I’m using slightly modified example from gist:

But the thing is, when I’m trying to create checkboxes (bool props) in UIList items they’re looking different from ones that are in Shape Keys native UIList with no apparent reason in the source code of UI of Blender.

How I can make my checkboxes look like ones used in “mute” prop in Shape Keys?
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Okay, so I’ve made pretty straightforward solution, maybe it would be useful for somebody

    checkbox = "CHECKBOX_HLT" if else "CHECKBOX_DEHLT"
    row.prop(item, "active", text="", emboss=False, icon=checkbox)

But my point still stands, because it’s either bug (if this behaviour should be default if all UIList itmes) or undocumented feature (although there is nothing in python code that indicates this behaviour change) that should be default behaviour.

I know this is old, but I’ve been trying to update the checkbox of an item that is not active. Is there a way to do this through the boolean update?
Thank you