Camera matrix

Hello, I wrote a script to understand how camera matrix works in Blender. First I use a parameter param to set up the scene(camera, parent/track camera, res_x, res_y, etc), then get the camera RT matrix and intrinsic matrix K from param . But when testing a selected vertex P3d to compare its 2d position in image p2d, somehow the result is a bit off. File here.

import bpy
import numpy as np

def camera_info(param):
    theta = np.deg2rad(param[0])
    phi = np.deg2rad(param[1])
    camY = param[3]*np.sin(phi) * param[6]
    temp = param[3]*np.cos(phi) * param[6]
    camX = temp * np.cos(theta)
    camZ = temp * np.sin(theta)
    cam_pos = np.array([camX, camY, camZ])
    axisZ = cam_pos.copy()
    axisY = np.array([0,1,0])
    axisX = np.cross(axisY, axisZ)
    return camX, -camZ, camY

def unit(v):
    norm = np.linalg.norm(v)
    if norm == 0:
        return v
    return v / norm

def parent_obj_to_camera(b_camera):
    origin = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
    b_empty ="Empty", None)
    b_empty.location = origin
    b_camera.parent = b_empty  # setup parenting
    scn = bpy.context.scene = b_empty
    return b_empty

def cal_K(img_size):
    F_MM = 50.  # Focal length
    SENSOR_SIZE_MM = 36.
    PIXEL_ASPECT_RATIO = 1.  # pixel_aspect_x / pixel_aspect_y
    SKEW = 0.
    # Calculate intrinsic matrix.
    scale = RESOLUTION_PCT / 100
    f_u = F_MM * img_size[1] * scale / SENSOR_SIZE_MM
    f_v = F_MM * img_size[0] * scale * PIXEL_ASPECT_RATIO / SENSOR_SIZE_MM
    u_0 = img_size[1] * scale / 2
    v_0 = img_size[0] * scale / 2
    K = np.matrix(((f_u, SKEW, u_0), (0, f_v, v_0), (0, 0, 1)), dtype=np.float32)
    print('K: ', K)
    return K
def get_RT( param):
    # azimuth, elevation, in-plane rotation, distance, the field of view.
    cam_mat, cam_pos = camera_info_rev(degree2rad(param))
    RT = np.concatenate((cam_mat, np.reshape(cam_pos,[3,1])), axis =1)
    print('RT: ', RT)
    return RT

def degree2rad( params):
    params[0] = np.deg2rad(params[0] + 180.0)
    params[1] = np.deg2rad(params[1])
    params[2] = np.deg2rad(params[2])
    return params

def camera_info_rev( param):
    az_mat = get_az(param[0])
    el_mat = get_el(param[1])
    inl_mat = get_inl(param[2])
    # R = el*az*inl
    cam_mat = el_mat@az_mat@inl_mat
    cam_pos = get_cam_pos(param)
    print('cam_mat: ', cam_mat)
    return cam_mat, cam_pos

def get_cam_pos( param):
    camX = 0
    camY = 0
    camZ = param[3]
    cam_pos = np.array([camX, camY, camZ])
    return -1 * cam_pos

def get_az( az):
    cos = np.cos(az)
    sin = np.sin(az)
    mat = np.asarray([cos, 0.0, sin, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, -1.0*sin, 0.0, cos], dtype=np.float32)
    mat = np.reshape(mat, [3,3])
    return mat

def get_el( el):
    cos = np.cos(el)
    sin = np.sin(el)
    mat = np.asarray([1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, cos, -1.0*sin, 0.0, sin, cos], dtype=np.float32)
    mat = np.reshape(mat, [3,3])
    return mat

def get_inl( inl):
    cos = np.cos(inl)
    sin = np.sin(inl)
    mat = np.asarray([cos, -1.0*sin, 0.0, sin, cos, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0], dtype=np.float32)
    mat = np.reshape(mat, [3,3])
    return mat

def test_pt(P3d, K, RT ):
    P3d = np.reshape(P3d,[3,int(len(P3d)/3)])
    P3d = np.concatenate((P3d, np.ones((1, P3d.shape[1]),dtype=int)), axis =0)
    print('P3d : ', P3d)
    p2d = K @ RT @ P3d
    return p2d

res = 896
img_size = (res,res)
scene = bpy.context.scene
scene.render.resolution_x = res
scene.render.resolution_y = res
scene.render.resolution_percentage = 100

cam ="Cam")
cam_obj ="Camera", cam) = cam_obj

cam = scene.objects['Camera']
cam_constraint ='TRACK_TO')
cam_constraint.track_axis = 'TRACK_NEGATIVE_Z'
cam_constraint.up_axis = 'UP_Y'
b_empty = parent_obj_to_camera(cam) = b_empty

# y_rot, x_rot, z_rot, dist, lens, sensor, max_distance
param = [14.41713748307988,25.29251130719033,0,0.7968077336595656,50,36,1.75]

camX, camY, camZ = camera_info(param)
cam.location = (camX, camY, camZ)

RT = get_RT(param)

mesh_objs = [obj for obj in if obj.type == 'MESH'] 
for o in mesh_objs:
    o.select_set(True) = o

mode = bpy.context.active_object.mode

selectedVert = [v for v in if]
for v in selectedVert:
    K = cal_K(img_size)
    p2d = test_pt(, K, RT)
    print('p2d: ', p2d)

p2d should be somewhere close to [[349],[561], [1.0]], but the printed p2d is [[-270.47144011], [-525.51055641], [ -0.7289861 ]]. The last element should be 1, so I’m definitely doing something wrong here. Also I prefer to stay with my current functions, not to use built in functions like cam.matrix_world.decompose() or any other built in functions mentioned in rendering - 3x4 camera matrix from blender camera - Blender Stack Exchange

Please don’t link to other sites. Just put your code here, so that people can immediately read it; be sure to clean up the code and reduce it to the absolute minimum to illustrate your question.

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Sure, I added the script but left the link for testing purposes, since it disallows .blend/.zip extensions here.

This is not really a minimal script. At the minimum, I’d expect it to use Python’s standard library math package (for sin/cos/decimal-to-radians/etc) and Blender’s mathutils for working with vectors and matrices. Pulling in a 3rd party library won’t make things easier to understan. Furthermore, it’ll save you from reimplementing functionality that Blender has built-in (like normalizing vectors). Names like el, K, inl etc. won’t help in understandability of your code either.

Asking for development help is fine, but please do it in a way that’s optimized to make it easy for people to help.

K, RT, el, inl, az are frequently used variables to represent camera matrix and I’ve already added comments in the code so I hope it won’t be a problem to understand. The code will be used elsewhere as a standard python script outside Blender environment as well, so using Blender libs wouldn’t be an option. As for numpy instead of Python math lib, that’s just a personal preference, wouldn’t make a difference to simplicity anyway, besides I don’t know how to use Python math. >.<

Just with a quick glance, I wonder if you actually retrieve the data from camera properly.

    F_MM = 50.  # Focal length
    SENSOR_SIZE_MM = 36.

To do this see the properties of the camera here.

Though I am not 100% familiar with your implementation, it would require extensive testing until the sweet spot is figured out. Best thing to do is to precalculate the result in some other API (eg: OpenGL, glm, kazmath, Blender3D mathutils etc) and then as having the input numbers and results ready, to try to break everything up until you pass the asserts.

Another point is to consider the strongest implementation of all (a fail safe) and make sure that you won’t miss any point.

> gluProject	(	objX , objY , objZ , model = None , proj = None , view = None )

param[4] is focal length 50, param[5] is sensor size 36, shouldn’t be a problem here. Should be one or more of the functions I implemented due to misunderstanding of the concept.