Boolean Improvements

You are awesome! :heart:


Thanks for your honest reply.

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Oh what a pitty, but I understand the priorities. @Howard_Trickey , I wonder if 2D booleans feature can take advantage of the existing 3D Booleans code or it’ll have to be written from scratch.

The code that will be useful is not the 3D Boolean code itself, but rather the Delaunay Triangulation library routine I wrote in support of that. Erik Abrahamsson has already used that to do a better fill in some text node stuff he has worked on. It is probably not a huge amount of work to do general 2D boolean operations build on top of the Delaunay code; I just have too much to do right now to divert myself to that.


Just bumping this, a knife projection modifier/addition to the boolean modifier would be particularly useful for people doing things like applying a deform operation on a simple mesh in keeping with a non destructive workflow

Heres the procedure in C4D.


I certainly also believe Booleans could be improved further.

What bothers me the most is the lack of options for how the boolean operation should behave, like wheter you want the boolean modifier to remove faces only, only add faces or both (rather than it always doing both like rn). Also being able to flip the side that the faces appear on would be great.

Then better support for non-manifold geometry and intersecting bodies would also be fantastic

Also, booleans in sculpt mode?