Blender Support for ACES (Academy Color Encoding System)

No, you need to understand that in the “washed out” aspact, we are basically talking about dynamic range and tonemapping. ACES and Filmic share exactly the same dynamic range, and ACES is a bit more contrasty by default, Filmic has about the same contrast with High Contrast Look. ACES also has a flaw of mis-mapping the middle grey, while Filmic maps open domain/scene referred value of 0.18 constantly to 0.5 across its several contrast looks.

??? You are making me confused, fake contrast? What are you talking about?

It doesn’t make sense, AFAIK OCIO looks operates in open domain (before view transform), what you do to “fix” your “highlights” would be in close domain (after view transform), it doesn’t make sense.

No you need to understand what ACES is. When you refer to ACES, what exactly are you talking about? Are you talking about the ACEScg colorspace that has AP1 as primaries? Or are you talking about its view transform that skews Rec. 709 red to orange and blue to purple?

I assume you are talking about the view transform, well, here is the thing:

And let me show you a way way better view transform here:

I have also been checking out OpenDRT which does not have an OCIO version yet (therefore using the resolve version):