Hi there, I’ve been experiencing an issue while exporting large amounts of high quality .gltf/.glb files. I’ve posted a much more detailed explanation here on the Blender StackExchange: python - Blender crashes when exporting large amounts of high poly models and 4K textures as GLTF. What is causing Blender to crash? - Blender Stack Exchange
In short, my script exports thousands of .gltf models. During this process, Blender appears to not clear out the export cache and as a result the RAM/VRAM of the system overflows as the script exports more and more .gltf files. This results in Blender crashing. The above post also contains the crash.txt file from these events.
I feel like this is a bug, because the memory usage only clears when Blender crashes or is quite. This behavior is also not present when running the same script with .obj or .fbx files. I guess my question is how do I reset the .gltf/.glb export cache so that it doesn’t overflow my systems memory?
System Specs:
- GPU: RTX 3080 ti + GeForce GTX 1660
- RAM: 4x16GB = 64Gb
- CPU: Intel Core i7-7700 3.60GHz
- Windows 10 Home, 21H2