Hello there, I´m trying to build blender from source for the first time on my laptop, I followed the instructions on ’ Building Blender on Linux(Linux - Blender Developer Documentation)’ . After i call ‘make update’ and ‘make’ somehow it doesn´t finish the building-process and from the build log i don´t understand what is going wrong.
On my Thinkpad I´m running Ubuntu 24.04.1, with IntelCore i7, Graphics 5500 (BDW GT2), 64-Bit.
The c++ compiler version is: g++ (Ubuntu 13.2.0-23ubuntu4) 13.2.0.
Attached i upload the full buildlog from command ‘make’ and the CMakeCache.txt file.
Thank you in advice for the help
I can´t upload as new user the files…what can i do?
CMakeCache.txt (204.2 KB)
buildLog.txt (775.9 KB)