Blender 4.3 - Grease Pencil v3 Feedback

Yes and the node group that is on the migration page will already provide this (if you haven’t tried it already) pixel perfect accuracy in the render.

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As i have seen that ctrl-click eraser is on the map I’d like to quote myself from another thread :slight_smile: :

That was a really neat function and I would be sad if it fell victim to progress :wink: That detail wasn’t really well documented if at all.

@jamez I don’t know your workflow, but can’t you convert the font to curves and fill it with a mesh material? Then you can toggle the hole tolerance.
I made a nodegroup recently to restore the curves orientation after filling.

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@filedescriptor thanks for the info! I was on the right track, but didn’t know the attribute names since they don’t show up in the spreadsheet. Would be great to see fill hole support in the future, for sure.

For anyone else that is trying to figure out attribute naming for gp, here is a simple interpolated color setup for instances. Really cool to think what is now possible…

@ogonek cheers, I will have a look at your file when I get a chance!


So I’ve already reported several GPv3 bugs in 4.3 this week. It’s not surprising that an update this big would have issues, but they’re a lot more intrustive to my workflow than I expected. The inability for the Fill tool to detect Edit Lines for instance is a huge pain that drastically increases the amount of time I have to spend on coloring.
All this to say, I hope a 4.3.1 corrective release is put together sooner rather than later. Once I’m able to use a build with all the bugs I’ve encountered fixed, my work will become a lot easier than it is right now.


I’m sorry to hear that.
While 4.3.1 will probably come out within a few weeks, it’s only meant for the most critical issues like crashes etc. Bigger changes are too risky for a corrective release.
There is the quality project coming up that should also target these regressions. There is a task for Grease Pencil: #130518 - Grease Pencil: Code Quality Project (Dec 2024) - blender - Blender Projects
If there is something important missing there, please leave a comment.

If these issues are hindering your workflow too much, I recommend staying on 4.2 LTS until 4.4 and see if the transition is better then.


I know that new feature requests are maybe outside the scope of the current GPv3 development.
Still that’s been bugging me ever since the first time GP popped up as non annotation tool. And that is having only 2 options for the brush icon.
Either the circle that only shows the max size(thus when using dynamic scale it does not reflect that),
or the tiny dot circle that at times I lose on the screen.
So can we get a third icon like a arrow cursor or some pencil.


First, sorry for my bad english. I will be quick and concrete. When i parenting a Grease pencil layer with a bone in 4.3 the strokes change his orientation dramatically. I repliucate the same conditions in 3.6 and this is not happen. I put here two screenshots.

I´m not sure if this is a bug o its some change in the relations section.
Thanks and i hope this help of some way.

Hi, I might have found a regression but I’m not sure if it’s already been reported:

When in the dopesheet (normal and GP) and moving keyframes with G, entering a number of frames with the numpad doesn’t work. If you wiggle the mouse a bit first, then enter a number it does work, but without moving the mouse first, the operation gets cancelled. That’s only the GP keyframes that are stuck, the transform keyframes move just fine.

I’m trying to port my addon, that also relies on TIME_TRANSLATE, and it just doesn’t do anything. I think it might be related somehow.

I realize this is a pretty big question, but is there a gut-check for when we can expect GP3 to be stable on the level of GP2? I have a studio who has big plans for Grease Pencil in the next year or two, and a lot of the improvements in interfaces and the like in GP3 will be a huge boon to us, but a handful of these bugs are hitting harder than I was expecting. Should we not be looking at GP3 until it gets folded into the LTS sometime next year?

Hope this doesn’t come across as critical, and like I said earlier I’m not expecting anyone to be a fortune teller. Just trying to get some insight from someone who’s a little closer to everything than I am.

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The GP3 Interpolate Sequence operator seems to sample the points and create totally different stokes with different point topology for the generated frames, even when the frames being interpolated between are identical. In 4.2, the point count and positions are kept for the generated strokes, and the point positions are just interpolated between the position the point is at in the first frame and the position that the point is at in the second frame.

I think I understand why the decision was made to do it this way for GP3, but it’s not very good for my workflow, or for my addon. Most of the time that I use the operator, I am duplicating a frame and then editing the points in sculpt mode or edit mode and then interpolating between the two. If the points are interpolated based on their index in the stroke, I have more control over how the stroke is interpolated. Additionally, in GP3, parts of the strokes that aren’t moved at all still move in interpolation and corners are smoothed which creates jumps between the generated frames and the source frames. I made a gif to illustrate some of my issues with the new interpolation:
Blender GPv3 Interpolate Sequence Issues
Is/will there be a way to choose the method of interpolation? For my workflow, I would much rather use the old method that goes point-by-point using the point topology that I designed instead of approximating the shape of the stroke with new points.

On the plus side, I have noticed a massive improvement in performance when interpolating. My addon now only takes a couple seconds for operations that would take 15+ seconds in 4.2. Nice.

Something that I believe will get you a more precise answer would be to mention what are those issues that you are facing that are a bigger deal than you expected. So, the devs can tell you if there are are specific plans to solve them, if there are unknowns, or if there are not going to be fixed (for whatever reason).

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there is a bug that happend when I play with brush presets back and forth for a few times without changing any default parameters in advanced sample is %100, but this still happning everytime I do play with it. problem is the sampls are just in every vertex and it is not fill between the verteies don’t know if it is reported or not.


click to see the bug in action video
sorry for my bad english. couldn’t upload the video here so I upload in google drive with link.

Hey aslan, It seems that once you select soft pencil preset, material will switch to a dot stroke one (because it is pinned to that preset). Then won’t change back once you select another one without a pinned material. Stroke post processing will do the rest. I’ll report this as a bug. For now you can set material back to solid stroke or disable post processing.


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Actually this kind has been reported here:

the greyed out material seems to be the culprit.

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Yes this has been reported here: #130323 - GPv3: Interpolate Sequence makes unwanted changes to stroke geometry for intermediate frames - blender - Blender Projects
And there’s a fix in review here: #130594 - Fix #130323: Make Grease Pencil interpolate tool retain point distribution - blender - Blender Projects

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See my response to a similar question just above: Blender 4.3 - Grease Pencil v3 Feedback - #146 by filedescriptor

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Hi, could you open a report on bug tracker? Translating GP keys with input values seems to work correctly for me

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thank you so much. :pray:

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Just a thought: looking at the migration page, it looks like all references to GPENCIL have been changed to GREASEPENCIL. But the GP dopesheet is still called GPENCIL. Maybe it could be more logical/consistent to rename that as well, dunno.

And btw, you dev peeps are awesome, I reported a bug and the next day it was fixed, incredible!