Blender 4.2 - EEVEE-Next Feedback

I do not know how the engine implementation works BUT, they probably wish to avoid maintaining double the code which can results in more bugs and time spent; i can understand that.

As I read that was the primary reason (double code) why they left Eevee legacy out.
I would still debate that this was the right decision.
In the alpha and beta the legacy renderer was included so everyone assumed this will be the same for the release.
For me, it was a complete surprise that it was removed.

Blender supports multiple renderer and so it might have been possible to keep the legacy renderer and only make the necessary changes on the materials. Sure, that would be also more work but I think that would have been a wiser choice.

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@Juan_Romero > based on comments and feedback it seems like 4.2 even though is LTS will be a testbed for a mature and “complete” Eevee Next in 4.3. I don’t think this has been a bad decission necesarily, sometimes technology progress demands risk taking and Eevee in 4.2 is fully usable and produces great results in general, but yes, it’s a landing a bit too rough.
@Juan_Romero > It’s a new toy that we have to learn and tinker with, the rough part comes when we expect the new toy to work the same as the old toy.

If you’re a hobbyist or just doing it for fun, risk taking is fine. If it goes bad you lose nothing.

But if you’re using Blender professionally, then your livelihood - as in income, repayments, rent, food - is at stake. For users working with larger scenes, 4.2 is not fully usable - It’s performance is substantially worse to the point I can’t use it - and the results aren’t significantly better enough to offset that. A 1500% drop in performance is mind-blowing.

What bothers me was I had no idea this was coming. The “EEVEE migration from older versions to Blender 4.2 LTS” guide only made one reference to performance which, even if you follow the tip, is still far short of EEVEE Legacy performance. There were many Youtubers who posted videos experimenting with EEVEE Next, but they were comparing it to Cycles and Unreal Lumen, and nearly all of those videos worked with simple static examples. It didn’t occur to any of them to compare it to EEVEE-Legacy (nor to me, I just assumed NEXT would be better, not worse), and the videos that did mention performance told me it was “faster” and I believed them. It took me a week of head-scratching before it occurred to me not to take their word for it and benchmark the two:

My own tests showed EEVEE-Legacy 5.75 sec vs EEVEE-Next 89 sec. Looking for comparisons on Youtube there are no head-to-head but these are alarming none-the-less:

  • Rigged character in simple room: Youtube “Cycle vs Eevee Next vs Lumen”: Unreal Lumen 5 min vs EEVEE-Next 30 min vs Cycles 2 hours
  • Rigged character in simple room: Youtube “Comparison of render quality in UE5, Blender Eevee and Blender Cycle” Unreal 0.4 vs EEVEE-Legacy 1.54 sec vs Cycles 4.75 sec
  • Static furniture scene: Youtube “Lumen vs Eevee Next vs Easy Raytrace”: Unreal Lumen 8 sec vs EEVEE-Next 14 sec
  • Moving Car: Youtube “Blender Vs Unreal Engine 5 I render comparison”: Unreal Lumen 5 min vs Cycles 4 hours
    (One commenter quipped: “Lumen: frames per second. Blender: seconds per frame.” :slight_smile:

Based on those, seems EEVEE-Legacy was competitive with Lumen, but EEVEE-Next has really taken a big step backwards. It’s now competitive with Cycles. :wink:

This next Youtube was interesting, so I re-ran it myself (times are first run (which may include caching), then subsequent re-runs)

The Blender Junk Shop Splash Scene: Youtube “EEVEE Next is horribly slow! (Cycles at 2:28)” (poster said he reported it):

  • Cycles(4.2): 1 min 42 sec, 1 min 41 sec, 1 min 41 sec
  • EEVEE-Next(4.2): 2 min 01 sec(!!!), 54 seconds, 52 seconds, 51 seconds, 53 seconds
  • EEVEE-Legacy(4.1): 49.37 sec. 19.40 sec, 19.42 seconds, 19.53 seconds, 19.40 seconds

At even lower sample rates (16 instead of 64), EEVEE-Legacy is still much faster (6.82 seconds, 6.75 seconds) than EEVEE-Next (15.66, 15.83 seconds).

Yes, EEVEE-Next is taking twice as long or worse than EEVEE-Legacy. (For my scenes, which are larger than the Blender demo scenes, it is much worse).

Cost me a week to sort through all this, so that’s a week I won’t get back. But what worries me more is I’m now stuck on 4.1.1. With those sort of performance differences, switching to EEVEE-Next would be like replacing my nVidia 3xxxx with an nVidia 1xxx, and paying a bigger electricity bill too. Yeah, EEVEE-Next is prettier than Legacy (but not that much prettier), but the performance is more like Cycles than Lumen.

@Steve_K2400 > To be honest, I would be happier if we would have Eevee Legacy & Eevee Next both present in 4.2 and in the upcoming versions. The transition (for us) would be smoother.
@Steve_K2400 > Blender supports multiple renderer and so it might have been possible to keep the legacy renderer and only make the necessary changes on the materials. Sure, that would be also more work but I think that would have been a wiser choice.

Yes, absolutely! EEVEE-Next clearly isn’t ready for prime time, and eliminating EEVEE-Legacy before EEVEE-Next was ready has put a lot of us in a bad place.

@Lawrence_Teng > Eevee has matured nicely through these years and…now Next is going through the same needed growing pains.

But those growing pains are not needed: If EEVEE-Legacy was still available, no one would have a problem with this. We could transition when EEVEE-Next was ready to take our weight. The problem is this was forced on us prematurely, wasting time while we try and deal with it, causing stress and FUD. Management does not like any of those things.

@Illasera > I do not know how the engine implementation works BUT, they probably wish to avoid maintaining double the code which can results in more bugs and time spent; i can understand that.

I can understand that from their POV, but from a customer POV it’s not a good outcome. Software Engineers always want their code in production as quickly as possible, but companies rely on QA and management to make sure that doesn’t happen until it’s of sufficient quality and the customers are ready for it.

And, no. They don’t need to keep debugging EEVEE-Legacy. That’s mature software that’s been debugged for years (See Things You Should Never Do, Part I – Joel on Software ). They only needed it as an alternative while they debugged/optimized EEVEE-Next.

@Steve_K2400 > This is exactly the problem why our workflow in the studio brakes down with 4.2. We achieved a visual quality with Eevee legacy that beats VRED on lower end hardware for real time visualization of very large car datasets (some files are over 2 GB in size without packed textures) . A discontinuity in presentation quality due to software changes is not accepted by the leadership so we have to be careful how we proceed. There is also internal competition from other software that makes such a change in Blender even more uncomfortable for our Blender team.

A business’ biggest nightmare is they wake up one morning and find themselves imperiled because of a change in software they had no control over. Recent changes to BF pushed through, like this and Auto-smooth, are worrying. It makes Blender a much harder sell to management, because it becomes unpredictable.

By its momentum, Blender’s future as a DCC is safe for now. But as a renderer, not so much. There’s now a good business case for doing your animation and rendering in Unreal. Those Lumen frame rates are impressive.


1. First are foremost: BF need to commit to improving EEVEE-Next to EEVEE-Legacy performance levels, or better (or if that’s not possible, restore EEVEE-Legacy as an alternative) We’re assuming they will do that, but have BF accepted this is a problem that urgently needs to be fixed? If not, we’re in trouble.

  1. BF should be testing new versions on more scenes. The demo scenes are a good place to start: Demo Files — If your new renderer is half-the-speed of the old one, maybe it’s not ready yet?

Also I suspect as more people are using Blender professionally, they are using larger scenes than BF is aware of. We need to get representative scenes such as this into the BF test suite. IP is a real pain here (and I don’t blame BF for not signing NDAs), but we need to make an effort here. I don’t mind putting the effort in to make a sample cityscape (which EEVEE-Legacy handles brilliantly) if BF will use it.

  1. BF needs to be mindful that professionals using Blender need stability. A broken toy is one thing. A broken livelihood is another.

Then I would suggest before risking your Basis or life, just stay for at max 1 year in the lower version and wait for the next lts. Or wait just a few months for the next release if you even comparing with non lts versions ?

Eevee next is a massive improvement in render quality but this means naturally longer render times. But when the foundation is layd now it’s easier to build upon and the render speed will for sure increase in the next releases. Eg if Hardware raytracing would be supported.

You referring to unreal lumen here, they essentially did the same thing. It took them years and years to mature the raytracing pipeline since 2018 and on this road there are naturally some things that will break. Progress is most of the time not as smooth as we would hope.

Building render pipelines and graphics programming is probably one of the most complex types of programming and I think there are good reasons for not including both eevee versions in this lts, which may not be obvious to artists, but are reasonable in the end.


If the 4.2 release had not been a LTS release, they then may have done just that, since it would have only meant supporting two Eevee versions for a single release.

But 4.2 is going to get constant fixes for the next 2 years and as such that then would have required maintaining both Eevee versions for all that time.

I’m sure the dev’s didn’t want it to pan out this way, I bet that ideally they would have liked the Eevee Next to have landed in 4.1 and then sorted out all these current issues and remove legacy in 4.2 going forward. Guess it just didn’t work out like that.

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I’m sure that there are a lot of good reasons why Eevee Legacy wasn’t included in the release. Especially from a group of great enthusiasts who are developing Blender under a very tight budget as opposed to some profit making big software houses.
This open source mentality is exactly what makes the everyday use of Blender so enjoyable but this is also the reason why I would have liked if they would have simply asked us.

It’s surely my mistake that by trying out alpha and beta releases I had the expectation that Legacy will be included. It’s also my (big) mistake that I have not participated in this discussion and not provided bug reports when I realised that (in alpha & beta) there are many problems related to our workflow.
I just hoped that these will “disappear” in the release and if not I will stay on legacy but can still use other new features in the coming releases.

In our case, we are still a bit of a “skunk works” like operation doing this inhouse development and use case assessment alongside our daily work (Design & CAD) for some years. Blender is a completely different software compared to our usual software but it clearly showed so many fantastic ideas and solutions that we started to use it regularly. We are constantly evaluating in which workflows we can include it but it is still a “side study” with an open ending.
This is the reason why full participation here is not possible even if I would love to.

We are having many problems with our (expensive) main software (from one of those big, money making software houses) and they simply dropped their one and only renderer from the software because they are not able to fix it (for some 20 years now). It shows how hard it is to program a good renderer but it is also showing a developer mentality which I would not like to see here.
We have some enthusiastic people here in the studio, who are trying to establish Blender as an accepted and worthy tool in our software portfolio but we have to prove this to our management.
It’s a big company and there are IT related issues with all this (which at the end cost money even if Blender itself is free) and therefore we need to be clever and careful how we proceed.
Not to mention the very steep learning curve of Blender which is currently one of our main problem for a wider acceptance as this is also related to costs.
As the real time performance of Eevee Legacy was the enabler for all this development, we are of course a bit afraid how the development will continue.

I understand that the BF is more focused on the entertainment industry and not so much aware of the automotive use of Blender, and that results in different priorities.
We hope that the problems mentioned by I_Came_I_Saw_I_Blend can be quickly resolved and that we don’t have to stay on 4.1.1 for an infinity (and beyond).

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So… again Youtubers aren’t Blender professionals, they are professional video creators for Youtube. They just want you/us to see their videos and share them.

I’m a professional Blender artist since 2009, I only work with Blender every single day, (have no other source of income) making cinematic animations to promote video games (these last 3 years). There’s new rules… feels slower at start because we still have LEgacy ways deep in our minds. If you go full Eevee-Next and reallly don’t look back… it’s better and it presents solutions even to big scenes.

A few weeks ago I made a 40km by 40km scene and I complained it wasn’t working and had to revert to Legacy (because I only had a few weeks to make the entire thing). So I had to rely on what I knew and as such I got back to Legacy to finish that task. These last weeks I didn’t acepted other solution than the ones Eevee-Next provide and guess what it’s done!

I now know that I could just had removed the shadows from all the city buildings that were far far away and I would have rendered that 40km by 40 km landscape just as in Legacy… I was just used to lamps have a shadow distance.

Really, Next is not bad… one just has to commit to it.


Ah beautiful, you gave me the floor to rant so i will rant.

I am with you on that argument but you won’t change any minds here, unless its a bug report; you won’t get a complete toolset of anything; blender is the definition of “Master of none”, any workflow you will choose, modeling, animating, particles, texturing, you name it, i can offer you much better softwares.

The reason is; that blender developers have the wrong mindset of : “If you will build it, they will come”; the problem is they never built it fully.

eevee next was pushed to this release because the main goal behind blender is to make as flashy release page on their website as possible , with tons of NEW AND INCOMPLETE features and bugged to hell and back.

if you will mention a word about it, they will throw the “Volunteer work” at your face and that “We need to get an edge over other softwares” , “You can do it yourself” , and “Its free”, but in the end; all professionals will go to the rival products BECAUSE of that mindset; other softwares support less features but they support COMPLETE TOOLSET in their respective field.

Blender experience example : I will mention my first 5 minutes with blender 4.1.1 after jumping to it from blender 3.3.1
i loaded up my models from the older version (3.3.1 to 4.1.1); everything worked fine; wanted to “Remove overrides”; boom, crashed to desktop as i clicked within 5 minutes of usage.

it could be a compatibility issue of moving from older version to newer (need to reproduce reliably before reporting); now poor mont (Bastien Montagne), been following his library overrides for years but the poor guy can’t sort it all out and he needs to bounce around from this piece of code to that piece of code , etc, and that is the nature of blender’s development = jumping around.

This thread becomes increasingly off-topic. These discussions, personal fights etc. do not add any value and keeping track of this is time consuming and takes away precious time from actual development! Please keep that in mind before posting in the future.

EEVEE-Next has landed in Blender 4.2 and is now an official feature, therefore I am closing this topic.

If you encounter a bug, crash etc. please report it. (Ideally via Help -> Report a bug, from within Blender). Make sure to provide all information, such as clear steps to reproduce, an example blend file and maybe a screenshot to show render glitches so developers can understand the issue on their machines.

Feature requests
Requests, suggestions for improvements and so on can be posted on Right-Click Select.

A new topic can be opened here on devtalk by the EEVEE/Viewport module in the future, once they work on something specific again and like to hear feedback.

Thanks everyone.