Blender 4.2 - EEVEE-Next Feedback

long standing issue

and still one of the big issues with eevee next imho

They seem to have gotten better on flat surfaces; I donā€™t have an install from last month to compare to any longer, but it feels like Iā€™m seeing partial improvement compared to what I was getting previously.

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u sure about that?
the saw wave is still pretty strong here

the slowdown when scaling seems kinda fixed tho. thats good

I think improvements are still needed (especially as I noted above), but yeah - this seems to be getting better.

Obviously various settings can make a huge difference in Eevee quality (sometimes in ways that arenā€™t easily predicted), so Iā€™m not implying that othersā€™ problems are just imaginary.

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Tried today EEVEE with some of my scenes and itā€™s looking much better now :slight_smile:

  • The zooming in no longer slows things down
  • Shadows look much better
  • Feels overhaul more stable

Just one thing really bothers me now. I want to disable Motion Blur on the viewports but still have it while rendering.

Motion Blur is a nice thing to have in viewport, but on an heavy scene makes it a lot slower, soā€¦ I anticipate many cases that would be nice to have it turned offā€¦ unless it gets much faster and then would be irrelevant again.

ā€¦I know what you going to say next: ā€œbut rogper, why donā€™t you just turn it off in Viewport and then turn it on again for rendering!?ā€
Thatā€™s a good question! But also is the one that happens me many times, in which one wakes up in the middle of a 1000 frames night render and start to thinkā€¦ "did I remembered to turn that setting on!?


my other problem with viewport motion blur is that the motion blur settings like the shutter donā€™t control the motion blur. I think it looks very extreme and too much.

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bug has been fixed today, if Iā€™m not mistaken it was commit 31d8a65 that did the trick. Thanks!

And we are back on crash :heart:

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Fresh daily build [dd0482da7664]: EEVEE-Next is not crashing anymoreā€¦ and not working either :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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same build, crashing. but im on windows

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Eevee Next is not crashing for me on Nvidia Pascal, but no shading is seen.

Yesterdayā€™s build was fully functional though. The rule of thumb for now is to not throw away the previous build after downloading the new one.

To fix stuff we often need to ruin it firstā€¦ itā€™s a good sign! :slight_smile:

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i cant break my tradition (delete the old while downloading the new) :stuck_out_tongue:

And if you do need an older build, you can still download it from here: Blender Builds -

Is having a much more streamlined playback of scene strips in a Video Sequencer with ā€œMaterial Previewā€ mode turned on is intended or just a happy accident / side effect?

With EEVEE NEXT itā€™s now working so much better, although itā€™s still not as smooth as in the original scene viewer.

itā€™s a bit strange. You should be in the material preview but at the same time, it sees only your actual world material HDRI texture neglecting the built-in ones.

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EEVEE is much better now.
Actually itā€™s already pretty goodā€¦ but if I attempt to render an animation the shadows look yet different in each frame :sweat_smile:

I also am using the soft glow by GPU and works real nice. I can color it easily with a color ramp and add it with a color mix nodeā€¦ seems a suitable replace for Bloom indeedā€¦ a bit slower tho.

Actually funny! On the first 20 frames the shadows blink, but after those, it stables down and looks perfect :smiley: So this may mean that as long I gave it a 20 frames warm up it will work!? :smiley:

Yup! My hypothesis was proven to be falseā€¦ sometimes it holds 10 straight frames nicely but then the shadows glitches, apparently randomly.


next is crashing here the entire week lol

I can confirm the shadows glitches on render animation with Eevee Next.
some black squares sometimes appear in the shadows

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Iā€™m using it at work :laughing: I make 30 seconds short animations to advertise games. One per week.
My main version is on EEVEE (next) but to be on the safe side Iā€™m ensuring I have the EEVEE-Legacy version also ready.
The only thing mining it from happening is that shadow issueā€¦ everything else is working fine (the enough for the task at hand)!
Iā€™m on Linux Mint.

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I agree, for me what is still lacking is improving the performance of shadows. I think itā€™s related to the same issue, but in most scenes that are not super simple, the maximum 1GB ā€˜pool sizeā€™ is very limiting. It always ends up being too little and leads to glitches or the shadows disappearing completely. When rendered, Blender freezes indefinitely if the ā€˜pool sizeā€™ is exceeded. There should be the ability to add a good number of lights while working with a complex 3D model, and this shouldnā€™t result in a shadow problem.