Asset Bundle - Base Meshes

I’m sure the other base meshes are not going to be printable, they are open in many places. For the ones that I making that are not aiming for animation, or reproyection, just for sculpt and study, I’ll try to make them printables, it can be good to have them printed to have the reference at hand. I’ll love your help for that, if you can check the models.

But be awere that the planar models are made with creases and as little geometry as possible to be subdivided with creases enabled in the subdive modifier. So I think that they will need to be printed after the subdive modifier is apply.

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I will print them in resin for sure :slight_smile:

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So I check the mesh analysis and of course the distortion analysis with out subdiv it has very beautiful colours:

But they are gone with 5 subdivisions:

I fix the thickness to 5 mm and I remove all the sharp edges. there are no intersects, and if you apply the mirror modifier it is manifold.
Let me know if I can check anything else. Thanks!

Edit: It has now different facesets to separate cranium from the Face and also the lower mandible, just for to be more beautiful if you go to sculpt mode:

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@Illasera 3D printing was not considered so far.
All base meshes will definitely be a manifold volume, to make sure voxel remeshing works out of the box. But they should be allowed to have multiple mesh islands that intersect with each other. In that case these can be booleaned if needed for printing.
I didn’t consider overhang, thickness and distortion.
Imo we could make this an important to do (apart from overhang) for the planar and anatomy base meshes, as they are useful references to have printed.

@Tonatiuh If there are any modifiers on the objects other than multires I’d apply them.
Great work on the planar skull!

You can share the files any way you want, even just as a direct link here in the thread. They’ll be freely accessible via the svn link anyway :wink:

Great! so here it is the Blend file, less than 1 mb :slight_smile:

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I can try and check your models within the upcoming days if you so desire but i am not much of an expert.

I did take paid anatomy courses as well as practiced what i had learned.
My experience with blender usage stacks up to 9 years
but i ain’t no expert (On this issue) so any feedback will have to be doubted.

Please note that any blend file will be placed in a python excluded folder, so if you need python to have your work tested, i am not the address in such a case.
I try to promote paranoia as you can see in previous posts on this topic; Less trusting society and less gullible is my goal in this day and age.

As for checking 3D printing, i got one in my office but its for office use, as far as checking at home, i can not help you yet, as i do have a 3D printer but haven’t allocated enough time to set it up.

Don’t worry any help is appreciated, and I think that the idea of this meshes to be printable is a very good idea!

I don’t think any production model used in VFX or games would be ready for 3D printing. The requirements are vastly different.

That being said, it’d be nice to have models for 3D printing as well as models that work for animation.


Progress so far on the body planar realistic:
Torso and legs done, I think it works great with creases activated and also with creases deactivated in the subdiv modifier.


Just checking that these are still needed before working on some – any other requirements to keep in mind? :hammer_and_wrench:

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These are all up for grabs, yes.

In terms of requirements for these primitive base meshes:

  • Keep the resolution low. Users can subdivide and remesh for more geometry
  • Keep objects separate with good origin placement and parenting for easy posing
  • Use linked object data on symmetrical objects (arms, legs, ears, eyes, etc). This way they automatically stay symmetrical
  • Keep the geometry simple with subdiv cubes, mostly in the shape of spheres and pills

In terms of style and simplicity, I think the Follygon base meshes are a great inspiration:


Okay, here’s an initial rough of a spider. Everything started out as a roundcube, resolution is a low as I found feasible. The Cephalothorax is one object, as is the Abdomen (parented to the Cephalothorax). The legs are each five objects, parent-chained to the Cephalothorax. Origins and parenting carefully set up and tested as-is and with subdivision.

UVs need some work, but given the intent I’ll need to know what you’re going for there. Also need to know if the rotation setups are what you’re looking for (what’s A-pose for spider?). No head details yet, don’t know how much you want there (eye-layout on spiders are all over the place so not sure what you’d consider default, pedipalps, chelicerae?).

I haven’t worked with linked object data yet, so on this the legs are mirrored. I’ve run thru a couple tutorials today, but still not sure what you mean – if you could point me at on-point tuts, info, etc, I’d appreciate it. Assuming this is close enough to what you want (or at least headed in the right direction) that I should keep going, that is.

Here’s a link to the blend download.


I can donate this skull as CC0 (it is already possible to download it from sketchfab).


@1D_Inc Thanks! I added the object to the repo and made a couple adjustments to keep the bevel modifier on both sides.
I’ll probably separate the teeth into individual meshes too.

@Tonatiuh Can you compare your skull sculpt to this retopologized version? Or can you share your current sculpt? I’d love to see if they can be touched up to use the same topology or to have details transfered.

@KickAir_8p I added your spider mesh, thanks! I made just a couple of adjustments. Mainly I Alt D duplicated all the legs to the others side instead of using a mirror modifier.
I also left a subdiv modifier on the objects by default.
No eyes or super clean UV maps are needed here. I’ll just make an adjustment at some point to make the legs a bit thicker for easier remeshing :wink:


I’ll get that – there were some things I wanted better, like the leg object names, the Abdomen isn’t quite symmetrical on X, etc. And I realize you’re super-busy, but I’d still like to know what you meant by “Use linked object data on symmetrical objects (arms, legs, ears, eyes, etc). This way they automatically stay symmetrical”.

If you use Alt D instead of Shift D to duplicate objects, they will use the same object data. So if you sculpt on one copy, the other one will receive the same changes.

This way you can duplicate all the legs, scale them along the character center to the other side (-1 X-axis) and have both sides always stay in sync.

But it’s only on the object data. The objects themselves can still be transformed and posed in an asymmetrical way.

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Ah! That makes sense, thanks. And linked objects can be unlinked from each other a lot easier than linking them (according to the tuts), so that’s a good default.

It occurs to me that on spider legs, any sculpting on one is likely to want duplication to the rest – the exception (the front legs) will usually want the sculpting from the others to start on. When I rework the spider legs should I ALT D the initial set to all of them for the same reason?

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I’ll take that Like as a “yes”.

Sorry if some of these questions are basic, it might be better if someone making sculpting bases had sculpting experience, but I’m a modeler. :flushed: Last one, I hope: You said “make the legs a bit thicker for easier remeshing” – do the pointy ends of the leg segments need to be less pointy?

screenshot.2023-02-23 14.53.07

More like that?

Quick question regarding the UDIM count for human basemeshes - how high do you think is reasonable for a basemesh? At work over the years I’ve seen anything between 100-200 for generic humans, but other fields might suffer with that count so it might be best to keep it in line with what you guys prefer.

Had a bit of a busy week but looking to wrap up the generic female next week -


There was some tiny issues I fixed later after uploading to achieve watertight state for manufacturing (self-intersections, holes, tiny thickness), probably require attention.
Also, the scan model of a skull for making separate teeth can be downloaded here, in case of f it is needed to follow anatomic guidelines:

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