---- Blender Asset Bundle info -
Possible issues:
─ Violates zero cost paradigm.
─ Can easily bloat the Blender download size.
─ Assets may already be installed from another Blender version.
All the issues described here, Will become actual unsolvable problem and i have no idea why you are moving forward as it is clear that you are going to face such issues.
what seems right now, like a “few lightweight resources”, will open the floodgate to massive bundles, Mark my words, screenshot this.
You are “putting the cart before the horse”, the issues you @ JulienKaspar mentioned above need to be solved BEFORE you launch an asset bundle project, not during and not after.
— Online repository
We could drop the requirement to be purely offline and just give the user an option to display default assets from an online library. Technically not supported yet, but might be an attractive, modern solution we could support soon (in a sense, best of both worlds). Of course the offline requirement has its merits.
With python, you can already download resources for blender but the question is, will an online repository be part of blender core which will open pandora’s box, as i can tell you folks right now, The day the OS’s firewall will notify me of blender’s request for an outgoing connection, will be the day i stop using blender and warn everyone against it as a security hazard.
My suggestion : When the bundle is finished, leave it as a simple HTTP download as a .blend file on blender’s website or cloud dot blender if you want registration.
— Should bundled assets be ‘read only’?
We might consider discouraging edits and put the library in a hidden directory. Otherwise updates to the bundle might be problematic.
Mistrust the user, OFCOURSE , create hidden directories on our operating system why not,
Are you guys working WITH your clients or AGAINST THEM?
I can’t BELIEVE this part of the proposal was put on the page and considered!
we download any piece of software to our personal machines / servers, YOU DO NOT GET to hide things from your clients (And if you dare telling me that its for the sake of functionality or safety or copyrights managements, it won’t end well as i plan to make a scene about it and warn people about blender’s devs intentions of storing hidden data from the client, it could be an asset bundle but it can be anything else, never trust those who don’t trust you).
so, Are we off this very SILLY IDEA of hiding data from users that i hope will NEVER get mentioned again?