Artist Members for Rendering Module

Ah, ok, that was what I had in mind :slight_smile:

Hi @brecht,

I’ve created a scene to showcase the improved Random Walk SSS. Below is a rendering. If you like it, I’ll prepare the scene for download in the Demo Files page.

If you like it, shall I already include it in the Demo Files page, explicitly stating that it is meant to be rendered with 2.93 (Alpha / Beta), or would you like me to wait until around the 2.93 release?



That looks great! For the release notes we’d need a comparison of noise levels between old and new sampling.

Regarding putting this on the demo files page, I’m fine with that. I would imagine the file also renders in earlier Blender versions, since it’s just noise levels that should be different?



I will render the scene in both Blender 2.92 and 2.93, and create a comparison image including render times for the release notes.

I’ll keep you posted.

Added a comparison image to the Release Notes, and the demo scene to the Demo Files download page.

Looking forward to the next opportunity to showcase a new rendering feature. I love working with Cycles and Eevee.


Awesome work!

I need to wait a bit until at least the Point Cloud patch updated to master and get some details fixed :slight_smile:

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Just to clarify: You are looking for existing members of the Artist Module team - or looking for help from the community at large?

I would be willing to throw my hat in the ring with these tasks if this is open to those outside of the existing teams.

We were looking for artists from the community at large. We found 3 artists module members now, who have helped with creating demo .blend files and testing features. We could use more help, especially when it comes to writing docs.

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Regarding the 2.93 release, the most important missing things are as follows.

  • Eevee Depth of Field needs an image/file, which I know @JoniMercado is working on. I believe the firefly issues are now solved.
  • Eevee AO changes do not have an image, but I believe that was (partially?) reverted by @fclem. Either way, some update to the release notes is needed.
  • Cycles light spread could use an example render.
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I want to tackle the Light Spread example, I will look into it this weekend or next week if I’m unable to do it today or tomorrow.

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I don’t mind turning a rough draft into neat documentation. I believe contributing to the official Blender docs requires SVN and commit rights, or not? Or maybe you mean docs for the Blender Wiki Release Notes?

Both really, but the user manual is the most important one.

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If you could give me some pointers which (new) parts of Cycles need to be documented, and preferably some rough text and maybe chapter / sub-chapter setups / suggestions, then I’ll be happy to turn it into finished documentation.

Who could I turn to if I’ve got questions about Cycles functions, to verify if I’m explaining it correctly?

I’ve already got commit rights to manage the Asset Bundle, and I’ve got TortoiseSVN installed.

Hi everyone,

The 2.93 is being postponed for a week, planned for next Wednesday. We are still missing two things for the Eevee release notes:

@JoniMercado is working on an image for the depth of field.

It would also be great if we could have an image for the ambient occlusion changes. Clément suggest a render that uses AO distance driven by a texture, which was not possible before. Anyone wants to create that? It doesn’t have to be a beautiful artistic render, just something that demonstrates the feature.

Will this work?

Oh! I thought the releasing was postponed due to other reasons. I can deliver tomorrow if that helps to release sooner.


It’s postponed for other reasons, didn’t mean to imply there is a relation with the Eevee release notes.

We need something better for the release notes. This type of image a programmer could create quickly too, the purpose of involving artists is to get something better than a few spheres and cubes.

lol - well, OK - you SAID it didn’t need to be artistic … let me see if I can come up with an image that makes use of textured AO …

Clément added an example image for AO now, so thanks for the help, but seems we are good there.