Animation Editors Paper Cuts

Think I found another one.
If we change the frame range number while the graph editor is open, the view stays at the level of the cursor value, as it should.
BUT after we changed the number, if we open a new graph editor, the cursor value (the “y axis”) goes misteriously at a very high number and needs to be re-adjusted.

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I don’t think this will be backported since we are already in beta and it’s not strictly speaking a bugfix

It would be great, if the hierachy in the dope sheet could be collapsed by shift clicking on the arrows. The same way it works in the outliner


yes! added to the list

Little thought I have:

I often feel “lost” in graph editors, especially in normalized view where there is a physical “start” and “end” on the Y axis, but the UI doesn’t show it.

Maya does it by showing the background grid only inside the normalized area, which does help a bit. But I thought Blender could grey out the area, the same way it already greys out the area out of the frame range.

Current state:


Just this little change guides my eyes right into the normalized area, and it makes it easier to move keys within the area.


Really good idea. I like it

Edit: #106302: Animation: Graph Editor - grey out area outside of normalization range


I submitted a feature request for RMB select to include a select mode for handles in curves. It would be great if this functionality could also be added to the graph editor, which would help unify the user interface across editors. I frequently use the “Ctrl + H” shortcut to hide handles in the graph editor, and this new feature would make the process even more convenient.


Another mild papercut is the inconcistencies between the editors, for example here the location of fetaures like snapping, proportional editing or pivot point. Somehow the header color is not the same on both editors :face_with_spiral_eyes: