This is a proposal for the adoption of a CLA (Contributor License Agreement) to handle Blender contributions. The proposal has been edited a few times to reflect the feedback provided in the comments.
Over the past two decades, the Blender project has been granting commit access to contributors through a verification system that relied on a private email exchange of personal information. Contributions in the form of patches, did not require such verification.
While this process has proven effective, there is a desire to better align with other open source projects, and switch to a CLA-based process instead. Signing a CLA requires all contributors to provide limited personal information, in order to establish mutual protection (from copyright issues) for the project and the contributors. The personal information provided will be kept private, in compliance with the relevant laws and regulations.
Content-wise, the Blender CLA is simply a different representation of the current requirements for becoming a Blender repository committer:
- State that your contribution belong to you
- State that you accept to have them contributed to the Blender source code, under the GPL (or GPL compliant license, depending on the contribution)
- State that you either transfer you copyright to Blender Foundation, or keep the copyright yourself (at your discretion)
The full text of the CLA is available below.
Given the identical value of the CLA and the current “contributor agreement” email needed to have Blender commit access, we wish to consider all existing contributors with commit access as compliant to the CLA, without further action required.
For future contributions, including patch submitters, the CLA document is required to be dated and signed.
To make this process smooth, CLA signing should be part of the patch review/contribution workflow on In practice, this will result in a first-time PR contributor being requested to “sign” the CLA in order for their PR to be submitted for review. Technical details on this will follow later, but the goal is to make it as automated as possible.
While this might sound scary, it helps and protects current developers and maintainers, enabling them to accept first-time contributions with less legal risks. This also helps to provide direct commit access to contributors, without requiring as much personal information as currently.
Feedback on this proposal is welcome.
Blender CLA
Stichting Blender Foundation, the non-profit corporate home of the Blender project, requests that You sign a Contributor License Agreement (“CLA”) regarding any software code and/or documentation You desire to contribute to the Blender project (“Contribution”).
This license is for your protection as a Contributor as well as the protection of the Blender Foundation and its users. You may choose to keep ownership of your own Contributions, to use them for any other purpose.
By submitting Your Contribution to the Blender project, You hereby agree to license your Contribution under one of the following licenses (“The License”), and to include the appropriate copyright notice required by The License.
- GNU GPL License, Version 2 or later (for most Blender code)
- Apache License 2.0 (for Cycles and other module code)
- Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 License (for documentation)
Hereby You certify that:
- (a) The Contribution was created in whole or in part by You, and You have the right to submit it under The License; or
- (b) The Contribution is based upon previous work that, to the best of Your knowledge, is covered under an appropriate open source license and You have the right under that license to submit that work with modifications, under The License; or
- (c) The Contribution was provided directly to You by some other person who certified (a) or (b) and You have not modified it.
Your name
Name or nickname
Your email address
This email will be verified to be associated with your account
Is this Contribution being made on behalf of a corporation?
- Yes
- No
If “Yes”, the name of the corporation
The copyright of my Contributions…
- will be kept by the author(s) of the Contribution(s), mentioned in the copyright notice
- will be assigned to Blender Foundation, unless indicated otherwise in the copyright notice
Electronic signature.
Type “I AGREE” to accept the terms as above.