Adding PBR Neutral tone mapper

I know this thread might not be the best place for my question, but I thought I’d try anyway. Does anyone knows if it’s possible to use Khronos PBR Neutral with Blender 4.1?
For the current production we’re doing at the studio it would be a really good fit but we just switched to 4.1 and doing yet another version change feels risky (specially because 4.2 has a lot of big changes)

you can copy the color management folder from version 4.2 to 4.1 from wherever you have installed blender.

Thank you for the product-focused example! I’m giving a talk on PBR Neutral at SIGGRAPH at the end of the month, and I should really include some examples of known issues. May I have permission to include your example in my presentation? Let me know how you’d like to be attributed.

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Thanks! I will try it

Sure thing! It’s really just a couple of CC0 models from PolyHaven, so just give credit to them. If you want to mention I threw the scene together that’s cool but not necessary. The effect is a bit contrived because I’d avoid using bright and saturated lights in this workflow in the first place, but hopefully it helps get the point across. Sadly, I’ll miss SIGGRAPH this year, but good luck with the presentation!

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