Notes for meeting of Monday, 6 April 2020. 11:00 CEST / UTC 9:00 on #blender-coders on
Next week the meeting will be exceptionally on a Tuesday due to the Easters holiday.
- Nathan Letwory started a proposal on how to handle LTS. Feedback is welcome.
- Added contributors (welcome all!):
- Robert Gützkow now has commit rights for the Blender repository.
- Marco Pavanello now has commit rights for the Add-ons repository to develop “Real Snow”.
- Michael Soluyanov now has commit rights for the Add-ons repository to maintain themes.
Google Summer of Code
- The students’ proposals are currently under review (until April 30).
- Mentors to start reviewing the proposals, and claim the proposals that they want to mentor.
Blender 2.83
- bcon3 is next week’s Wednesday on April 15th.
- Nathan Letwory will prepare a workboard to reflect what needs to be done still for the release.
- There are at the moment 25 known high priority bugs.
- Developers to fix high priority bugs in their area and find other bugs that have not being marked as high priority.
Blender 2.90
Final release schedule presented by Nathan Letwory:
- bcon1 April 15, 2020 (master)
- bcon2 June 10, 2020 (master)
- bcon3 July 8, 2020 (blender-v2.90-release)
- bcon4 August 5, 2020 (blender-v2.90-release)
- bcon5 August 12 20, 2020 (blender-v2.90-release)
As a follow up for last week intention of making communication more open there are a few new things:
- A new subforum in devtalk to register any meeting developers have. These notes should be treated as public documents - readable by someone not in the meeting. All developers are encouraged to use it.
- New changes in to facilitate 1:1 discussions to happen publicly (see next).
- Daily Activity Reports posted on #blender-coders with the work from the BI/BF developers (contributors that want to be included, just poke Dalai Felinto before 17h CEST).
- There are still no decisions on the communication channels for the modules. Each module is still free to decide whether to use devtalk or or bf-committers.
- Threads and discussions were re-introduced last week.
- There are mixed impressions on how much they help or get on the way.
New Features and Changes
- Sculpt Mode (Pablo Dobarro)
- Share Automasking options between all brushes.
- Automasking option to use Face Set boundaries.
- Face Sets support for Multires.
- Option to delay updating mesh until viewport navigation ends, for smoother navigation.
- Voxel Remesh (Pablo Dobarro)
- Add operator to interactively edit voxel size.
- Add Voxel mode to the Remesh modifier, matching the Remesh operator.
- Sequencer: show f-curves for opacity and volume values on strips. (Alessio Monti di Sopra)
- Fluids: more accurate subframe support (Jacques Lucke)
- Cycles: optimize Noise textures with AVX for modern CPUs. (Omar Ahmad)
- Mesh Edit: M key now opens the Merge menu, Alt+M opens the Split menu. (Campbell Barton)
- Armature Edit: add Select Linked support with Ctrl+L (Campbell Barton)
- Curve Edit: improve extrude to extrude segments rather than individual points. (Germano Cavalcante)