Notes for meeting of Monday, 25 January 2021. 11:00 CET / UTC 10:00 on #blender-coders on
- Blender 2.91.1 was skipped (but 2.91.2 is out).
- User manual automatic daily building is currently on hold.
- 2.92 bug sprint this week.
- ~15 high priority issues
- They need to be tagged as 2.92 or 2.93 when not relevant
- If a module thinks any of the high priority issues won’t be tackled in time reach out for help.
- James Monteath is looking at the documentation building/deploying process.
- Particle issues are still considered valid reports when strictly a bug
- A relevant issue that takes 1h, 2h to fix.
Dalai Felinto proposes to bring the 18:00 CET meetings 1 hour forward.
- The new time would be 17:00 CET / UTC 16:00.
- This will be presented also in the next Monday meeting aiming at starting at the meeting 3 weeks from now.
- This proposal is so that the meeting + notes + email would be over by 18:00 CET, a better time to leave the office for whoever has to chair the meeting and take notes.
New task for creation of unittest for operators
- This is a good first issue for new contributors.
- Any developer is welcome to contribute.
- Himanshi Kalra (Calra) and Habib Gahbiche (zazizizou) are coordinating that.
New Features and Changes
Blender 2.93
- Geometry Nodes
- Asset Browser (Julian Eisel)
- Cycles:
- Various optimizations for faster updates when editing or changing frames (commit) (Kévin Dietrich)
- Grease Pencil (Antonio Vazquez)
- Video Sequencer
- Inherit blend mode with single input effects (commit) (Peter Fog)
- User Interface
- UV Editor: