Notes for meeting of Monday, 24 February 2020. 11:00 CET / UTC 10:00 on #blender-coders on
- Blender has been accepted in the Google Summer of Code this year once again.
- Grease Pencil refactor blogpost and video.
- The User Interface and Usability mini-workshop last week was great.
- Asset Manager is updated with the latest design.
- Particle Nodes needs update in the missing topics (which nodes are part of the milestone, how to tell local and “global” inputs apart, …).
- Campbell Barton suggests two fixes could make into an eventual 2.82a release:
- Developers to keep an eye on the tracker to see if there are more of these (fixes or reports).
- There is currently a regression in master that affects add-ons (T74139).
- Grease Pencil refactor was sent for review. The code review is under control, but the UI team is yet to look at it.
- Campbell Barton’s proposal for keymap guidelines.
- Bugs are going up. Developers to stick to the 2-day weekly curfew for bug fixing.
- Sybren Stüvel alerts triagers to be more strict on accepting production files in the tracker. Asking for a minimal file is not optional in these cases. Similar to reproduceable issues, if the triager ends up with a better file, do share it. (in other words, just follow the Life of a Bug document).
New Features and Changes
- Eevee render passes were revamped to be more useful for compositing and work more similar to Cycles passes. (Jeroen Bakker)
- New Vector Rotate node. (Charlie Jolly)
User Interface
- File browser now takes into account various file and folder attributes for display. (Harley Acheson).
- 3D viewport support for a radial gradient for the background. (Pablo Dobarro)
- Mask modifier: optimization to make it 4-5x faster in some tests. (Jacques Lucke)