Check the overview thread for more information about the meeting.
- Sean Kim
- Hans Goudey
- N/A
Since the Last Meeting
- Sean: Bugfixes, roadmap planning, figuring out next steps for Texture Paint 3D Brush, reading research papers on multires, slowly working on core undo issues
- Hans: Node tool performance
- Fix #133937: Grow/Shrink Visibility missing draw data update
- Fix #134292: Clone brush cannot access local blendfile images
- Fix #134591: Node tool crashes when modifying mesh topology
- Fix #134706: Vertex & Weight Paint do not respect clipping
- Fix #134770: Multires persistent base doesn’t work randomly
- Fix #134828: Dynamic topology wireframe overlay crash
- Fix #134954: Mask by Color doesn’t work
- Fix: Set Persistent Base doesn’t work for cloth brushes
- Fix: Vertex Paint average brush produces incorrect results
- Fix:
flag applies for too many brushes - Sculpt: Add ‘Plane’ brush type
- Sculpt: Adjust Flatten brushes to use an area radius of 1.0
- Sculpt: Improve node tools performance for simpler changes
- Sculpt: Migrate existing brushes to ‘Plane’ brush type
- Sculpt: Reduce overhead for multires index buffer creation
- Sculpt: Simplify vector displacement brush calculation
- Tests: Add initial sculpt mesh render test
For a full set of changes, see the main tracker. The above is a curated list of fixes and changes for the module.
Meeting Topics
- Old wiki project list
- What here should be carried over?
- Conclusion: Most of this, but it’s not very helpful in the current format. Sean will add a few and establish a good format so that re-reviewing this list isn’t painful in the future.
- 3D Texture Paint
- What is the MVP for getting this out of experimental?
- Sculpt Paint Brush support?
- Old Texture Paint replacement?
- Paint Mode?
- Brief discussion about the first point. General sentiment from attendees is that that if we get the base draw brush working for texture paint, we think it makes sense to move that out of experimental.
- Conclusion: Pending further feedback from module artists and likely more discussion in a future meeting.
- What is the MVP for getting this out of experimental?
- Roadmap Discussion
- Little discussion during meeting, Hans and Sean have already been collaborating on this.
- To be linked / created for wider community in the near future.
- Conclusion: Pending more feedback from module artists, issue / devtalk thread will be created within the next week.
Need Help
- N/A