2025-02-03 Modeling Module Meeting

Day and Time: 2025-02-03T22:00:00Z


  • Campbell Barton
  • Jason Wenger
  • Jonathan Lampel

Meeting Notes

Development Updates

  • Dissolve improvements from Jason Wenger have been merged: !131645.
  • Work on the code-quality project has resolved most of the known crashes !131361.

Discussion Topics

Campbell: GSOC ideas section for 2025 needs to be added.
We discussed projects suitable for new developers, Jonathan will create a shared document for ideas to be suggested.

Campbell: Raised the question of optionally using “fixed” quad tessellation.

  • Some use cases require quad-tessellation direction to remain fixed when deforming. See #132228 & #99061.
  • No final conclusion, Campbell will create a design task to evaluate further.

Campbell proposed a design for UV sync-select implementation #131642

  • Bastien Montagne reviewed & accepted the proposed.
  • Development is planned to start in March.

Jason Wenger: Discussed further changes to dissolve.

  • Adding an angle threshold for dissolving vertices.
  • Changing behavior when dissolve would collapse quads.
  • Potentially treating quads differently.

General agreement these are useful changes,
Jason will break these changes into separate PR’s.

Next Meeting

Shared calendar of all Modeling Module meetings.


Hi a little half question half feature request, is it possible to add to the gsoc ideas, porting the snap surface offset of grease pencil to the snap in meshe’s edit mode? or is it to small for a GSOC?


its a simplification of what the shwringwrap has simpler than setting up the modifier for little retopo things and it is already inside Blender.

It’s probably not a project in and of itself, but I will add it to the list and if there are enough in the same category then something like “Snapping Improvements” could be suggested as a project.

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