Day and Time: 2025-02-03T22:00:00Z
- Campbell Barton
- Jason Wenger
- Jonathan Lampel
Meeting Notes
Development Updates
- Dissolve improvements from Jason Wenger have been merged: !131645.
- Work on the code-quality project has resolved most of the known crashes !131361.
Discussion Topics
Campbell: GSOC ideas section for 2025 needs to be added.
We discussed projects suitable for new developers, Jonathan will create a shared document for ideas to be suggested.
Campbell: Raised the question of optionally using “fixed” quad tessellation.
- Some use cases require quad-tessellation direction to remain fixed when deforming. See #132228 & #99061.
- No final conclusion, Campbell will create a design task to evaluate further.
Campbell proposed a design for UV sync-select implementation #131642
- Bastien Montagne reviewed & accepted the proposed.
- Development is planned to start in March.
Jason Wenger: Discussed further changes to dissolve.
- Adding an angle threshold for dissolving vertices.
- Changing behavior when dissolve would collapse quads.
- Potentially treating quads differently.
General agreement these are useful changes,
Jason will break these changes into separate PR’s.
Next Meeting
Shared calendar of all Modeling Module meetings.