- Andrea Monzini
- Edouard Simon
- Federico Fiore
- Monique Dewanchand
- Peter Kemp
- Raul Alfredo Gonzalez
- Lukas Westner
- Antonio (inventadero)
Education Website improvements
Topic | Discussion - Decision | Action |
Infographic proposal by Andrea | Approved | Validation by BF |
Image proposal by Andrea | Images on the website should be students work. Proposal to have a more contextualised image | Needs further discussion |
Images on website | Make more clear that it is student’ s work | Development |
Explain workflow | Plan follow up meeting |
Education Templates
Topic | Discussion - Decision | Action |
Education templates | Some teachers don’t need it some do | Check status of Template project. Plan follow up meeting |
Blender apps | Needs some exploration | Check status of Apps project. Plan follow up meeting |
Levels & Badges
Topic | Discussion - Decision | Action |
VSE | Andrea will work on this | Create levels on Miro. Give feedback |
Grease Pencil | Raoul has created levels on Miro | Continue work. Give feedback |
Professional badges | Lukas can help out | Needs follow up discussion |
Topic | Discussion - Decision | Action |
Blender cloud | Align with BF tutorials | Setup meeting with BF |
Blender manual | Align with BF manual | Needs further discussion |
Funding | Explore Epic and Erasmus funding | Needs follow up discussion |
Content & structure | Needs follow up discussion |
We need to meet more often:
- Proposal: every 2 weeks.
Split meetings in
- General meetings
- Meetings focussed on specific topic
Next meeting proposals:
- Workflow
- Funding
- Templates & apps (invite blender dev)
- Blender Cloud
- Discuss levels
- New sections
…and probably some more…