2025-01-30 Compositor Module Meeting


  • Habib Gahbiche
  • Omar Emara
  • Sergey Sharybin



  • More artist interviews were conducted in the last couple weeks. Current summary is here (full meeting notes won’t be published because they contain personal information)

Breaking changes for 5.0

Discussed briefly what type of changes would be acceptable and how much effort we should put into guaranteeing forward compatibility.
Conclusion was to collect tasks for now and not to spend too much time on versioning.

Ideas GSoC

We will update the ideas page by next week.

Practical Info

This is a fortnightly video chat meeting for planning and discussion of Compositing in Blender. Any contributor (developer, UI/UX designer, writer, …) working on this area in Blender is welcome to join and add proposed items to the agenda.

For users and other interested parties, we ask to read the meeting notes instead so that the meeting can remain focused.


This appears to be a WIP PR for regression tests, i think you pasted the wrong link?

Wrong link indeed, should be fixed now, thanks!