2025-01-16 Compositor meeting notes


  • Omar Emara
  • Habib Gahbiche
  • Pau Homs
  • Thomas Dinges


  • Pau Homs joined the meeting for the first time as an artist, welcome!
  • Habib started working full time in Blender HQ last week


  • The glare node was improved (see devtalk post) as part of the future of Glare node (Omar). Pau agreed to test it and give us feedback.
  • Currently working on resolving transformation issues #133158 and #132371 (Omar)
  • Next: Allow sharing of nodes between shader and geometry nodes, which are planned for 4.5 release (Omar)
  • Work on UI/Workflow improvements (snapping/viewing) is ongoing (Habib)

Practical Info

This is a fortnightly video chat meeting for planning and discussion of Compositing in Blender. Any contributor (developer, UI/UX designer, writer, …) working on this area in Blender is welcome to join and add proposed items to the agenda.

For users and other interested parties, we ask to read the meeting notes instead so that the meeting can remain focused.


Congrats Habib! Enjoy Amsterdam


Hi there! As discussed in our chat @izo, find attatched here a sample file of a project I’ve been working on for NPR compositing.

It involves some relatively complex operations to separate each light component per light group, stylize them and add them back. Also a tool to generate stylized rim lights.

The main pain point is that every high level tool has to have quite a lot of different inputs, although all those inputs are just different data passes of a single image. I hope it’s an example of how a multilayer link would be useful to cleanup the node graph.

I hope it’s useful to start a conversation!


Thanks @homspau! This indeed gives a good idea of what you typically pass around and how complex node trees can be (although it’s one of the cleaner trees I’ve seen so far :wink: )

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