2025-01-10 Grease Pencil Module Meeting

Date/Time: 2025-01-20T15:00:00Z
Link: https://meet.google.com/xxo-tyin-rem


  • Amélie Fondevilla (Developer, Les Fées Spéciales)
  • Antonio Vazquez (Developer)
  • Casey Bianco-Davis (Developer)
  • Falk David (Blender)
  • Iliya Katushenock (Developer)
  • Lukas Tönne (Blender)
  • Samuel Bernou (Python Dev, ADV studio)


  • Development updates
  • Discussions

Meeting Notes

  • Development updates
    • The Winter of Quality project is still ongoing until the end of the month.
    • At the time of the meeting, the high severity issues went below 10 since a long time (now back up again). We’re slowly making progress with the more tricky issues/regressions.
    • Since the release of 4.3 (Nov 19) the module committed more than 90 bug fixes. That’s about 2,8 bug fixes per workday. Thanks to everyone involved!
Show all commits
  • Discussions
    • Shape & Hole Design:
      • Casey: Raises an issue that when using the Delaunay triangulation (or a boolean algorithm), holes that intersect with boundaries will potentially create or remove points. This means that we have to account for this when rendering since the number of points don’t match anymore.
        • There was some discussion on this. If we go for this approach, we’ll have to do it during the batch cache creation before rendering. Doesn’t look like there is another option.
      • Casey: Wanted to know how to e.g. deal with joining strokes if they are part of different shapes.
        • Falk: Thinks that this could be two entries in the UI, one for joining shapes and one for joining strokes. Joining shapes takes all the selected shapes (fully selected or only partially selected) and joins them into on. For joining strokes, the selected strokes become one shape and are separated from the rest.
    • Issues with locking:
      • Currently, we have (multiple) inconsistencies when it comes to locking layers and materials.
      • The tooltips and manual don’t seem to reflect how the feature currently works.
      • Main problem seems to be that we’re disabling properties in the UI.
      • Falk: Will try to write down the inconsistencies into a task. Thinks currently that it would be best to let the user edit the properties even if the layer/material is locked.
      • Samuel: One related issue is that locking a material changes the appearance of the preview (greyed out). This sort of defeats the purpose of a preview if the colors are no longer accuarate.
      • Falk: Seems like previews should be grayed out at all.
    • When applying Geometry Nodes modifiers, the object-data that doesn’t match the active object type is discarded. It seems like it would be nice to have a way to apply the visual result into mutliple objects with the respective object-data, as an operator.
      • Falk: Shows a way to work around this issue for now. To apply the mesh result from a Grease Pencil object you have to 1) Create a new mesh (e.g. Cube). 2) Add a Geoemtry Nodes modifier 3) Delete the Group Input and add a Object Info node (e.g. by dragging the Grease Pencil object from the outliner into the node tree) then connect the Geometry output to the Group Output. This will take the evaluated geometry of the Grease Pencil object (including any mesh component) and pipe it into the output of the evaluated Mesh. Now you can apply the modifier on the mesh and get the baked result.

Next Meeting

  • Time/Date: 2025-02-03T15:00:00Z