Biweekly Triaging module meeting for planning and coordination.
Folks on the payroll should attend if possible, others are invited as well.
In these meetings, we can keep us up-to-date on everything triaging, discuss recent important issues and see if we can bring the module forward.
I believe it is also good to see human faces once in a while :), so there is always room for some personal stuff if appropriate.
The meeting will be on 2025-01-09T12:00:00Z. It is open for everybody interested to join the video call (link below).
- Video call google meet for now, we can try jitsi as well if people prefer
- #module-triaging matrix chat room on
- #module-triaging matrix chat room link for other matrix clients
- live meeting notes
- any?
Pending TODOs/followups (wont get an active topic if no news have to be announced)
- Ideas for ways to include “Bug Fixes” from older releases in the release notes
- Feedback regarding our triaging infrastructure
- news?
- Wizard
- Gather a list of two or three examples from “out there” that work similar to what we want to achieve (add that to #78 - Gitea: Triaging Wizard - blender-projects-platform - Blender Projects) is still pending, some more discussion in #121260 - Issue template design discussion - blender - Blender Projects though regarding Richards experiments
- Could we add a feature that lets users know the location of crash logs after Blender crashes so they can more easily provide it in a bug report?
- There has been progress on the crash window pull request
- Proposal to add “Crash” / “Regression” labels
- We asked Sean if they still wanted these labels. They said they would think about it and get back to us at a later date.
- If Sean decides they want these labels, then we’d ask for input form other developer’s and make a decision then.
- discussion about exposing dependency cycles to the end user (an idea we have discussed in previous meetings)
- Yimming will discuss exposing dependency cycles in the UI with other developers and create a design task for it.
Meeting Notes
- Ideas for ways to include “Bug Fixes” from older releases in the release notes
- PR is in review #131615 - Release tools: Add script to generate a list of bugs fixed from last release - blender - Blender Projects
- Alaska updated it based on the formatting changes requested by Campbell.
- Philipp will double check it still works the way they want.
- Then we need to wait for general review from Campbell.
- PR is in review #131615 - Release tools: Add script to generate a list of bugs fixed from last release - blender - Blender Projects
- Discussion about Tests:
- Are docs sufficient for any dev to add a test in lets say 30mins?
- Which scenarios are complicated/hard adding tests for?
- some are easier (e.g. Cycles – just add a .blend, generate the expected output image, commit those)
- we have mesh equality API, but not for other types
- UI (mouse input possible? Simulate operators needing mouse input)
- @lichtwerk intends to add more tests and will go over the workflow trying to suggest ways to improve
- followup on the VR report with Jeroen
Following meeting
The following meeting will be on 2025-01-23T12:00:00Z. Again it will be open for everybody who’s interested.