Check the overview thread for more information about the meeting.
- Jacques Lucke
- Simon Thommes
- Hans Goudey
- Iliya Katueshenock
- Andrew
- Mattias Fredriksson
Since the Last Meeting
- Speedup by avoiding rebuilding pointcloud BVH trees
- New Find in String node
- Propagate vertex groups in join / realize instances nodes
- Winter of Quality: 118 fewer
Nodes & Physics
Meeting Topics
- Should realize instances adjust point radius based on instance scale?
- The radius should be adjusted, for curves and point clouds, but the node should have a legacy option for compatibility (in the sidebar).
- Spreadsheet: Move context path to footer, add editor menus
- The space where the context path is should definitely be the menus.
- But pinning is strange to have in the bottom left.
- It would be good to get Dalai’s opinion, maybe he has ideas about how to redesign the context path to be vertical in the sidebar.
- Mesh: Add “free” custom normals
- The PR should have more information about performance to make a better case for the free normals.
- Otherwise the PR seemed in a good state.
- Node active vs. selected status (report)
- This is a global problem in Blender, where things can be unselected but active (Stronger binding of Active and Selected).
- Blender’s selection/active handling should be consistent, so we can’t just change the behavior for the node editor.
- Maybe there could be some way to indicate that a deselected node is active.