2024-11-26 Render & Cycles Meeting


  • Lukas Stockner (Blender)
  • Nikita Sirgienko (Intel)
  • Patrick Mours (NVIDIA)
  • Sahar A. Kashi (AMD)
  • Sebastian Herholz (Intel)
  • Sergey Sharybin (Blender)
  • Thomas Dinges (Blender)
  • Weizhen Huang (Blender)


  • For 4.3
    • CPU / GPU difference
      • The fix has been commited to main. Avaiting backport.
      • The report can be closed?
    • Handling SDK/ROCm 6+ lack of backward compatibility with pre ROCm 6 #130153
      • Sergey will check on avoiding cache variable and use find_package(HIP) in extern/hipew
      • Requires re-compilation of HIP-RT on Linux to prefer ROCm 6.
  • Other
    • Lukas keeps working on the OSL camera. Getting close to the state where public testing will be needed. Feedback thread coming up!
    • The meeting went into discussion in the mix of signed and unsigned for arithmetic. The solution seem to be:
      • Use signed arithmetic
      • Add assert() in cases where something is not expected to be negative
      • Convert macros to inline functions if that helps compiler
    • OpenPGL on GPU is advancing. Sebastian is working on making it so the render info is gathered from the render kernel
      • At the Blender Conference there was a demo of OpenPGL working on GPU with pre-exiting render info.
    • The module will look into creating a task for the Quality project, to make it more visible and clear
    • Weizhen works on octrees
      • Switched to per-volume octree to make updates more instant
      • Need to solve overlapping octree case
      • perlin noise: hash and fmod are slow

NOTE: In order to solve scheduling conflict with some of the active contributors the meeting is moved 2 hours earlier, at 15:00 CET.

Practical Info

This is a weekly video chat meeting for planning and discussion of Blender rendering development. Any contributor (developer, UI/UX designer, writer, …) working on rendering in Blender is welcome to join and add proposed items to the agenda.

For users and other interested parties, we ask to read the meeting notes instead so that the meeting can remain focused.


Is there an estimate for which release OpenPGL ported to GPU is scheduled to be released with?


There is no estimate.

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