2024-10-17 Nodes & Physics Module Meeting

Check the overview thread for more information about the meeting.


  • Jacques Lucke
  • Simon Thommes
  • Lukas Tönne
  • Tolga
  • Mattias

Meeting Topics

  • Voronoi node
    • Tolga presented the current state of the patch.
    • Generally looks like its going into a good direction and it’s also functionality that we should most likely have built into Blender.
    • Still need to do a design pass over the exact set of inputs and outputs, but that has to wait until after the conference.
    • Would be good to have a package build and a new feedback thread on devtalk.
    • On the implementation side, it would be useful to have a list of potential libraries that could be used and what their pros and cons are.
  • Bisect node:
    • Main question right now was whether it has to maintain quads/ngons or whether it can just triangulate everything to simplify the problem.
      • Jacques: Maintaining topology is generally expected, so we shouldn’t triangulate everything. It may be ok to triangulate the cut faces if it can help with performance significantly.