Attendees: Dalai Felinto, Fiona Cohen, Jeroen Bakker, Julian Eisel, Sergey Sharybin, Sybren Stüvel
Animation > Sybren
- Will go out of experimental next week.
- Pending polishing (pose libraries and VSE),
- In dire need of documentation
Brush Assets > Julian
- Going good, some improvements expected during beta.
- Only minor UI changes expected (indication of unsaved asset, transparent asset shelf)
Compositor - Canvas and Transforms
- Module backlog tasks are being prioritized before project start.
- Expected start: Monday 7/10
Grease Pencil 3 > Falk
- Grease Pencil 2.0 codebase was removed.
- Happy with 4.3 grease pencil 3.0 splash screen =)
Online Assets Library > Dalai
- A plan was started, discussing availability of the team involved, tasks to prioritize, targets
- Will meet again to discuss main deliverables and definite planning
- Overlay Next (Clement)
- Low hanging fruits are being tackled.
- Light and shadow linking were merged (work by Chris).
- The prototype is a bit on hold due to non-consensus design discussions.
- This needs to be unlocked, so Miguel can finish the prototype as soon a possible.
Sculpting > Sergey
- Remesh refactor wrapped up.
- A technical blog post would be a good way to expose the (mostly invisible) improvements.
- The sculpting work is now focused on module tasks, with input from Julien.
Vulkan > Jeroen
- documentation/ at main - documentation - Blender Projects
- Stabilizing, bug fixing working in more devices.
- Select a GPU where Blender can run on (for viewport render).
- Jeroen is in contact with interested collaborators
- Barycentric coordinates (landed last week).
- Dynamic render local read.
- Hardware ray-tracing.